bardock1 Postat Septembrie 30, 2023 Postat Septembrie 30, 2023 [1].Name : Mustafa [2].Nick server : bardock1 [3].Age: 22 [4]. Current rank : helper [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : [6].Link from the last application : last req was on “campania admine” [7]. Why do you want upgrade ? : for more commands
XAndreeaX Postat Septembrie 30, 2023 Postat Septembrie 30, 2023 against my opinion, you should wait, I haven't seen you using the slay, remove laser commands yet..
Stas. Postat Octombrie 2, 2023 Postat Octombrie 2, 2023 Against from me too, you just simply don t watch what happens on the sv with ppl who ask for help and stuff, I understand u don t speak RO but there are ppl in eng who asked for help and you r too focused on gameplay. Maybe if you ll focus a bit on players I ll give you a Pro till then I ll stick with the Against.
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