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Hello, my nick ingame is Jelixen.
1- Slay for infecting :
He said i infected him in the laser. So i think he enforced rule n11 by slaying me immediatly (banshee and smoker are not allowed to drag players in laser and infect them).
After this round we were playing vs Nemesis and the Administrator has tried to block me (to help nemesis) more than once:
2 -Blocking :
At 0:18 seconds of the video I first noticed the Administrator's intentions so I started being aware of the danger. Then at 1:14 he repeated the action.
Best regards,
Pepi, AKA Jelixen 👊.




It is not blocking you, if you are all together it is normal for this to happen. This has happened to me many times too.


1-I was slaying you because you infect in lm , a lot of players , the others admins who was online soo that.

2 -And second is allowed to block when you are human !


 Hi Vlad,
Since you are saying I infect " A LOT of players " in lasermines you are accusing me of ruining the gaming experience of someone like me who plays for fun, I'd like to gently ask you to put video proof. 
Ps: Instead of lying to try to give a reason to your actions you should have only said sorry. I'm not here trying to make you give a warning or smth, just hope this helps you improve the way you use your powers in game responsibly.Since you said there was another admin that saw me killing people in laser id like (if possible) him also to speak on this thread.
Anyway, do you think this slay was justified even if I were the toxic player you describe me to be and killed people in laser mines?
Best regards,
Pepi, AKA Jelixen 


Complaint is useless and here are the reasons.

1. I have slayed you many times for breaking the following rules

- Ability as zombie with no attacks

- long lm

- lm + pb

- My advice is to start following the rules and read them maybe

Slay was applied accordingly for infecting in Lm and second video how can i say this, you are not in a hiding spot and Vlad was not blocking you, so as i said at the begining complaint is useless, Against. 


Hi Hood, since you want to describe me as a rule breaker and a toxic player id also ask YOU to put a prove of me putting lm + pb or long lasermine. Also if there is a log of all actions taken by admins on me id like you to check it, it will prove you are just not saying the true maybe to excuse Vlad's action of applying rule n11 on a situation like this.
Kind regards.
Pepi AKA Jelixen 👊.


In the first video it is infection in lm and it's not allowed to infect a human in lm with smoker and banshee 

In the second video all players they're blocking each other cuz all of them tried to shot the nemesis

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Postat (editat)

Hello Dragonasu, 

Thank you for clarifying that even if the rule n11 is not hard to understand. 

I would understand if I've grabbed him with banshee or smoker in a laser and then infected him on purpose (something that can happen also unintentionally), I didn't even have smoker zombie. 

Best regards, 

Pepi AKA Jelixen 👊

Editat de Jenixen

Ok so I don t know why other admins are not payin attention of what happened really, so from the first video is clear that you got slayed useless and more from frustration, the rule is to not infect in laser with ability, you just clicking and you didn t even mean to infect him, also is his problem cuz he use antidote when it wasn t safe then slayed you for absolutely no reason. You are right in this sitation and I m with you. 

* Second video is nothing wrong, ppl can sometimes block when there s a lot of them *


Alo baietii slay ul ala e dat aiurea, Hood reclamatia e pentru slay ul primit de el in video nu pentru ce i ai dat tu slay sau pentru ce nu, aia e alta treaba. Inainte sa dati verdicte stupide si sa va aparati intre voi cand e clar ca a gresit mi se pare bullshit.


Anyways Jenixen it s not that big of a deal tho but the fact that he is still with ego and sustain that he s right it s wrong.

Pro  un warn sau un advertisment verbal.

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Hey Stas, 

Thank you for this message, I really couldn't say it better. 

It may seem it's not a big deal but it's important that people read the rules of the server and make complains on the forum when they think it's necessary. This may help improve Administrators judgment ability. The sad thing is that not only him does not understand his mistake, but also 2 other Administrators tryed defending him by spitting on me things that are not true. 

Thank you again for the support, hope you don't get any repercussions for your words! 

Best regards, 

Pepi AKA Jelixen 👊



No need for me to prove the above, but if you are really asking for it, and this is simply off topic, i would like for you to know that i'm not game focused when i play on the server i'm there to observe the game from spec most of the time, and i will make sure to keep an eye on you simply because you have asked for it :)  

Postat (editat)

Hey Ho0d,

I have never seen u in game.. I'm pretty sure if someone check the user logs there aren't any punishments on me by yourself. Instead of being the bad example of what an ADMINISTRATOR should be, try improving yourself, since you lied in the first answer above and your poor judgment ability made you say this complain is useless and that the slay was applayed accordingly for lm infection, even if I didn't violate rule n11 of the server. You gave me an advice I didn't ask for, I will give you one also: read and understand the rules

Ps: Then now we keep an eye on each other. 

Kind regards, 

Pepi AKA Jelixen. 👊

Editat de Jenixen
  • Mor de râs 1
Postat (editat)

Dear XenonOne, 

How long will I have to wait for the verdict regarding the complaint? I would like to know if measures will be taken of the veteran administrator abuse of power and ignorance regarding the regulation. I would also like to advise you to keep an eye on the administrators who spoke in favor of Vlad in this complaint, the fact that to the question "have you read the regulation? * they answered" Zm#Leagues " does not mean that they have read and understood it. 

Best regards, 

Pepi AKA Jelixen👊

Editat de Jenixen

@V.l.a.d will recieve 1 WARN for unconventional slay.

@Jenixen, try to communicate with admins before making an complaint  because they will explain what you did wrong !




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