.8_ Postat August 13, 2023 Postat August 13, 2023 (editat) [1]. Name: Michael [2]. Nick Server:*. [3]. age 16 [4]. Level 5 [5]. Hours of play [click here]: https://www.gametracker.com/player_info/index.php?nameb64=Lg%3D%3D&host=zm.leaguecs.ro:27015 [6]. Did you read the rules? : "Zm # LeagueCS". [7]. Why do you want a admin? :sa contributor to placut pe media server Editat August 14, 2023 de .8_
.8_ Postat August 13, 2023 Autor Postat August 13, 2023 (editat) the rules Editat August 13, 2023 de .8_
kiria Postat August 14, 2023 Postat August 14, 2023 Contra same reasons above (more specifically you don't always respect rules)
Ho0D Postat August 14, 2023 Postat August 14, 2023 AGAINST. 1. This nick " . " is not a nick and you either spamming the chat constantly and willingly since i have gaged you more then 20 times already, or you have a bind to spam the chat..... 2. Rules, you never follow them. 3. Activity is very low
Stas. Postat August 14, 2023 Postat August 14, 2023 Nick * . * it s used by 200 ppl so there is no point to make a request if u have no name practically.
.8_ Postat August 14, 2023 Autor Postat August 14, 2023 1. I am a nine-year-old boy. 2. This is the best server for me 3. I am a player of 2020
Dragonasu0 Postat August 14, 2023 Postat August 14, 2023 Against The name is used by a lot of people's and you don't know the rules
Felu Postat August 14, 2023 Postat August 14, 2023 CONTRA < ai intrat si cu speed si nu sti si respecti regulile !
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