Sari la conținut

Postări Recomandate


Name of the complainant :  olx

Name of the complained admin : fozl

Reason :  mi-a scos lm fara sa verifice daca poate fi spart, dupa care m-a amenintat cu ban daca il mai pun

Period of ban ( if appropiate ) :

Proof ( video/photo/demo) :


Eu nu sunt cu sifonarea, dar chiar m-am enervat rau pe pe adminul fozl!

Multi ma cunoasteti, stiti cum sunt etc.., vreau sa il reclam pe adminul fozl ca ma ameninta cu ban din cauza unui lm pus pe harta zm_fox_v5.

Am pus lm sus si se putea sparge, dar el nici macar nu a incercat sa mi-l sparga, mi l-a scos si a zis ca imi da ban a 2 oara daca il mai pun acolo!

Am incercat sa ii explic ca se poate sparge, zicea mereu ca nu, amenintand ca ma baneaza!

Am martori pe vlad, claudiu si era si adynutza acolo!

Mereu mi s-a zis sa nu ma iau de adminii noi si sa ii las in pace, dar din cauza ca nu stiu nimic, dau slay aiurea, scot lm-urile, nu verifica, de aceea ma iau mereu!


DIn pacate, pana mi-am creat contul, mi s-a sters conversatia si nu am cum sa arat ca m-a amenintat ca imi da ban pt ca pun un lm, fara sa verifice.

Am pus lm de fata cu vlad, el a sarit si a murit si mi-a zis ca nu se poate sparge, dupa care vlad ii arata ca se poate sparge...



Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: salut
[Helper][LEVEL: 20] AdynutzaLovecs: buna
Chumak killed aeobe with ak47
Unknown command: -drag
[LEVEL: 18] olx: salut vlade
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: sall
Unknown command: -drag
>>>>>> humanme: hp=50
[LEVEL: 18] olx: am o problema frate
[LEVEL: 12] Krager: sal
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: ?
[LEVEL: 18] olx: uitate sus
[LEVEL: 18] olx: unde am lm pus
Unknown command: teleport
**** Zombie Plague ZM LEAGUECS ****
Fullserver dropped
[ZP] Press M to show the game menu
[ZP] To use teleport press X
[LEVEL: 17] Sixifit: /pb
[NST Wpn] Apasa M 3 pentru a cumpara arme speciale.
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: asa
[Lasermine] Poti cumpara si pune lasere dupa 2 seconds.
[LEVEL: 18] olx: /lm
[LEVEL: 18] olx: fozl
[LEVEL: 18] olx: vrea sa imi dea ban ca pun lm acolo
*** Chumak killed Claudiusad with a headshot from infection ***
[Lasermine] Nu ai lasere.
[Lasermine] Ai cumparat lasermine.
[LEVEL: 18] olx: /lm
[ZmLeagueCS] Discord server:
*** Chumak killed <Warrior> Player with a headshot from infection ***
LoLKoksyt dropped
*** Chumak killed CybeR Player with a headshot from infection ***
Unknown command: -drag
*** Chumak killed Fozl with a headshot from infection ***
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
*** Chumak killed ahmeed_ with a headshot from infection ***
[Zp Bank] This server uses Auto-Save Ammo Bank
*** Chumak killed modrea with a headshot from infection ***
*** Fozl killed AdynutzaLovecs with a headshot from infection ***
[LEVEL: 12] Krager: /vm
fuadpro4035A dropped
*** AdynutzaLovecs killed Vlad with a headshot from infection ***
Unknown command: -drag
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: asa
[ZM LEAGUECS] Ai primit 10 ammo pentru 10 minute jucate!
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
[LEVEL: 18] olx: zice ca nu se poate sparge
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: merge spart
*** Chumak killed Scary with a headshot from infection ***
olx killed Fozl with lasermine
[LEVEL: 18] olx: si mi-l scoasa
[LEVEL: 18] olx: vb tu cu el
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
Sixifit killed Claudiusad with cv47
[Helper][LEVEL: 15] Fozl: go
[LEVEL: 18] olx: ca nu intelege
Unknown command: -drag
*** Scary killed NameLe$$ with a headshot from infection ***
[Helper][LEVEL: 15] Fozl: check it
[Helper][LEVEL: 15] Fozl: see
[LEVEL: 18] olx: uite ce zice
*** Chumak killed PhantomK with a headshot from infection ***
[Helper][LEVEL: 15] Fozl: that unbreakable
*** ahmeed_ killed aeobe with a headshot from infection ***
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: bro
[LEVEL: 18] olx: uite si u
*** Chumak killed modrea with a headshot from infection ***
*** Chumak killed R3specT with a headshot from infection ***
*** Chumak killed Macman.- with a headshot from infection ***
Scary dropped
Scary has left the game
LoLKoksyt connected
LoLKoksyt is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
[LEVEL: 18] olx: man
modrea killed R3specT with lasermine
*** Vlad killed olx with a headshot from infection ***
Scary connected
Scary is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*** Sixifit killed ahmeed_ with a headshot from cv47 ***
[ZmLeagueCS] Scrie /team pentru a face echipa cu un jucator.
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: goes broken laser
*** AdynutzaLovecs killed Chumak with a headshot from infection ***
Scary dropped
Scary has left the game
[ZP] Pentru a trage jucatorii spre tine apasa ''X''
*** Sixifit killed NameLe$$ with a headshot from cv47 ***
Fullserver connected
Fullserver is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* [LEVEL: 2] Scary: xpmenu
aeobe dropped
aeobe has left the game
Unknown command: -drag
ahmeed_ dropped
ahmeed_ has left the game
*DEAD* [LEVEL: 2] Scary: /xpmenu
aeobe connected
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Error: server failed to transmit file 'customization'
aeobe is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
[ZM LEAGUECS] Player Macman.- a primit 5 AP pentru ca a spart un laser!
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
[LEVEL: 18] olx: uite 87
Unknown command: -drag
Unknown command: -drag
[ZmLeagueCS] Scrie /vip pt a afla cum poti creste in Level mai repede
[LEVEL: 18] olx: unde fac cerere sa ii dea remove la admin :)))
[ZM LEAGUECS] Player Vlad a primit 1 AP pentru ca a spart un sac!
aeobe dropped
aeobe has left the game
[ZM LEAGUECS] Player Vlad a primit 1 AP pentru ca a spart un sac!
[LEVEL: 18] olx: ca asta chiar ma enerva=)))
[Slot][LEVEL: 26] Vlad: cui?
Sixifit killed Vlad with cv47
Krager killed AdynutzaLov



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