akamnaroski7@gmail.c Postat Iunie 12, 2023 Postat Iunie 12, 2023 [1]. Name : Aleksandar [2]. Nick Server : AcKaaa [3]. Age : 17 [4]. LeveL : 15 [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : 42h [6]. Did you read the rules ? : yes [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I want bcs its much fun to have some rank on server and normal to make game more fun :D! [8]. How well do you know English?: 9/10
GILBERT ICM Postat Iunie 13, 2023 Postat Iunie 13, 2023 submit an application in the admin free campaign click here ps: you see that in the regulation you have a question, if you have read the regulation, be more careful
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