ziou. Postat Iunie 8, 2023 Postat Iunie 8, 2023 Nick server: Ashref LeveL: 4-5 IP: SteamID:STEAM_1:0:548704189 Name of the admin who banned you :Dragonașu The reason you received ban: i typed ip"s another server to a friend Proof ( video / photo / demo ) : Mentions ( Details ) : unban please man i love this server i want to keep playing i sweqr i "ll never do it again
Stas. Postat Iunie 8, 2023 Postat Iunie 8, 2023 Well basically u promote another server in owrs so the punish is perma ban, maybe the founders will unban you reagrding it s a *mistake* but it s Founders decision.
LCS PREMIUM XenonOne Postat Iunie 9, 2023 LCS PREMIUM Postat Iunie 9, 2023 It is forbidden to promote another server in chat. Don't ever do that again. Unbanned T/C
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