GhOsT69 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 (editat) 1_MY nick : THE GHOST 2_ADMIN NICK : Dorian 3_reason : gag 2 times first 20min second 10 min /slay the players who have proplem ( AFK , high ms , bug ) 4_proof: yes Editat Februarie 1, 2023 de GhOsT69 add a proof
Dorin gabriel Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 I gave you a gag the first time because you were talking to me from above, I don't think it's appropriate language to talk to the staff like that
Dorin gabriel Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 And I give you just one time gag,and one slay cause you dont attack when you are zm,but when you are human you play
GhOsT69 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Autor Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Spoiler Spoiler i don't know why you do something like that , if you don't the admin roll dont make a carere to got it , you always slay the players without any reason , like slay player he is in AFK trance the players on spec while them play , go training and make an carere for admin
Dorin gabriel Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 I slay the players,only when they broke the rules,and who dont respond to my warning I slay,who is afk I transfer to spec And I think do you need read the rules please
Swarm Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 (editat) First of all, Dorian did nothing wrong, your attitude towards a staff member is very wrong, on the other hand he slayed you because you didn't attack, if you don't attack you get slayed. Please provide more proof, the screenshots that you posted are not showing the fact that Dorian slayed you without a reason. You should read the rules again @Ghost69. Am sa inchid aceasta reclamatie pentru ca am vazut cu ochiul meu ceea ce face @GhOsT69, reclamatia nu isi are rostul. Reclamatie respinsa, adminul Dorian nu va fi sanctionat. T/C Editat Februarie 1, 2023 de Swarm
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