Fanleon Postat Ianuarie 29, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 29, 2023 [1]. Name : Arlind [2]. Nick Server : Fanleon [3]. Age : 28 Y/O [4]. Level : 14 [5]. Hours played : [6]. Did you read the rules ? : Yes i read them. [7]. Why do you want admin ? : I noticed there are hackers quite often on this server, i'd like to fend them off, and keep the server happy.
TETO IRAQ Postat Ianuarie 30, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 30, 2023 Not good. He needs to be more on the server and read the rules
V.l.a.d Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 (editat) Contra , rules Editat Februarie 1, 2023 de V.l.a.d 1
LCS PREMIUM Dany97 Postat Februarie 1, 2023 LCS PREMIUM Postat Februarie 1, 2023 Rejected/Respins T/C
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