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Cerere Upgrade Helper.


Postări Recomandate

[1].Name :Destin

[2].Nick server :Destin

[3].Age: 18

[4]. Current rank : Member.

[5]. Hours played [ : Player Page for Destin ] :

[6].Link from the last application :  I don t have , it's my first application. / N-am , este prima mea aplicatie.

[7]. Why do you want upgrade ? : Because i want to help this server and i have all the requirements for this rank. / Pentru ca vreau sa ajut acest server si pentru ca indeplinesc toate cerintele.


Hours required to apply for an UPGRADE :         

 Veteran: 350 hours

Moderator : 200 hours

Administrator : 90 hours

Helper : 30 hours


Mandatory obligations :

1. Those who do not comply with the required minimum number of hours will receive REJECTED

2. You are allowed to apply for an upgrade at least 4 weeks after the last request up / admin.

3. If you have received Rejected, you can make the following request for an upgrade after 14 days.


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Destin, you are in the wrong area. 

This is the upgrade request forum, but you must first be an admin to make a request. 
For admin request go to this link and submit a request here:

And if you wanna see your hours in gametracker, here's the link: 

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