Destin Postat Ianuarie 24, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 24, 2023 [1].Name :Destin [2].Nick server :Destin [3].Age: 18 [4]. Current rank : Member. [5]. Hours played [ : Player Page for Destin ] : [6].Link from the last application : I don t have , it's my first application. / N-am , este prima mea aplicatie. [7]. Why do you want upgrade ? : Because i want to help this server and i have all the requirements for this rank. / Pentru ca vreau sa ajut acest server si pentru ca indeplinesc toate cerintele. Hours required to apply for an UPGRADE : Veteran: 350 hours Moderator : 200 hours Administrator : 90 hours Helper : 30 hours Mandatory obligations : 1. Those who do not comply with the required minimum number of hours will receive REJECTED 2. You are allowed to apply for an upgrade at least 4 weeks after the last request up / admin. 3. If you have received Rejected, you can make the following request for an upgrade after 14 days.
Claudiusad Postat Ianuarie 24, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 24, 2023 Destin, you are in the wrong area. This is the upgrade request forum, but you must first be an admin to make a request. For admin request go to this link and submit a request here: And if you wanna see your hours in gametracker, here's the link:
LCS PREMIUM XenonOne Postat Ianuarie 26, 2023 LCS PREMIUM Postat Ianuarie 26, 2023 You got the explanation. T/C
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