ikhaithx7 Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 Name: Ghaith [2]. Nick server: OHH YAHHH [3].age : 18 [4]. LeveL: 18 [5]. Presence on the server: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/top_players/?query=OHH+YEAHHH [6]. Do read the rules: "Zm#LeagueCS [7]. Why do you want to apply:i believe that you need someone who can speak more than 1 language the language that i speak are 1.English 2.Arabic.. i would like to help the server and upgraid it .
Game Street Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 I can't give you a pro because i saw you just afk.If you start playing maybe i'l give you a chance.
Chestorr Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 Ba de câte ori am fost eu pe server el stătea afk și mai intra rar, Contra
ikhaithx7 Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 Autor Postat Ianuarie 19, 2023 its fine you guys need me after all i dont need you .
Metra Postat Ianuarie 21, 2023 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2023 Contra, încalci regulile mereu când admini sunt afk sau nu-s pe server. Contra, you always break the rules when admins are afk or not on the server.
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