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Postări Recomandate


Name: Ghaith
[2]. Nick server: OHH YAHHH
[3].age : 18
[4]. LeveL: 18
[5]. Presence on the server:
[6]. Do read the rules: "Zm#LeagueCS 

[7]. Why do you want to apply:i believe that you need someone who can speak more than 1 language the language that i speak are 1.English 2.Arabic.. i would like to help the server and upgraid it .


I can't give you a pro because i saw you just afk.If you start playing maybe i'l give you a chance.


Ba de câte ori am fost eu pe server el stătea afk și mai intra rar, Contra


Contra, încalci regulile mereu când admini sunt afk sau nu-s pe server.

Contra, you always break the rules when admins are afk or not on the server.

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