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Postări Recomandate

Postat (editat)

1].Name :Roey

[2].Nick server :XyleN

[3].Age 18

[4]. Current rank :Helper

[5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] :
[ ZM-reclamă ] Misiuni Timpul jucat pe server: 132 ore, 44 minute, 56 secunde.

[6].Link from the last application :#UpgradeRequest - [ZmD] Cerere Upgrade - LEAGUECS - ROMÂNIA

[7]. Why do you want upgrade ? :

I've been helper for a long time and I think it's time for something new because I want to help server.


Hours required to apply for an UPGRADE : I have 132, and need 90+

Editat de XyleN

Slaba activitate pe server + Nu cred ca te vei descurca deloc fiind Administrator.
Trebuie sa dovedesti (ca Helper) ca esti bun sa meriti avansare la grad!

Low activity on the server + I don't think you will manage at all being an Administrator.
You have to prove (as a Helper) that you are good enough to deserve an advanced rank!



Acum 51 minute, Metra a spus:

Slaba activitate pe server + Nu cred ca te vei descurca deloc fiind Administrator.
Trebuie sa dovedesti (ca Helper) ca esti bun sa meriti avansare la grad!

Low activity on the server + I don't think you will manage at all being an Administrator.
You have to prove (as a Helper) that you are good enough to deserve an advanced rank!



Contra. Sunt de aceeași parere. Mai asteapta.

Postat (editat)

Ore facute la greu pe spect .

Editat de DvL.w0w
  • Like 1
Postat (editat)
Acum 58 minute, DvL.w0w a spus:

Ore facute la greu pe spect .

I really don't understand the point of what are u saying? u are joining the server once in a week and then talking about my hours? I don't got a problem with u but what are u saying isn't true.

Editat de XyleN
Postat (editat)

I am saying pro, I believe he is trying his best to help the server out and looking after it.

Editat de Drowsy
  • Like 1

Pro, i know you are a nice guy that likes to play and moderate on servers, i agree with your rank up.



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