Sari la conținut

Postări Recomandate


[1]. Name :talhami

[2]. Nick Server : **|TALHAMI|**

[3]. Age :18

[4]. LeveL :19

[5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] :234

[6]. Did you read the rules ? :"ZmD#LeagueCS"

[7]. Why do you want admin ? : !!!I want to help the staff and other players and I will be better than last time


Go to sleep bro. AGAINST. 


We do not need anymore your help. Try to understand.  Thank you!


Against, I’ve told u maintain a good manner, and maybe you’ll get another chance, but for now it’s clearly that u don’t have the request experience 


AGAINST , your still don't follow this server rules, i just gagged you yesterday for cursing somebody about his mother so stop makeing admin requests untill you will change you behaviour!

Postat (editat)

Habar nu am de ce mi-a fost sters comentariul dar in fine, il scriu din nou.

Contra! / Against!

Profiți de inactivitatea adminilor și te comporți urît cu jucatorii, dai target doar pe o persoană + in loc să-l incurajezi să mai stea pe server tu îl alungi! - [Link 1 & Link 2]
**|TALHAMI|**, eu nu cred ca esti destul de bun pentru admin.

You take advantage of the inactivity of the admins and behave badly with the players, you only target one person + instead of encouraging him to stay on the server, you kick him out!
[Link 1 & Link 2]
**|TALHAMI|**, I don't think you are good enough for admin.

Scris de Metra / Written by Metra

Editat de MTP
  La 01.08.2022 la 1:04, **|TALHAMI|** a spus:

You have a big mouth and you don't know how to act. Yesterday I told you that someone was cursing my mother in Hebrew and I understood the meaning in English and you did me a gagg



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