DvL.w0w Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Postat Iulie 21, 2022 (editat) Nume reclamant: DvL.w0w Nume admin reclamat: ***|TALHAMI|*** Motiv: abuz si incapabil Durata Ban (Daca este cazul): x Dovada(video/poza/demo): Asta nu e nimic toată lumea cand intru pe server îmi cer sa ii dau remove ca abuzează de saly și tot. După tor ce a făcut încă îmi cere sa bag boss map sa facă ap. Editat Iulie 21, 2022 de DvL.w0w
DvL.w0w Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Autor Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Au intrat pozele invers trebuie văzute de sus în jos
**|TALHAMI|** Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Postat Iulie 21, 2022 (editat) lol? You speak Romanian with me and that's the main reason and I told you more than once to speak English to me and you ignored it Secondly you threatened me and you told me that you would give me a ban also I killed 5 people and it's my hp 500 and this is really not worth a complaint and in my opinion you deserve a warning because you threatened me Editat Iulie 21, 2022 de **|TALHAMI|**
Metra Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Postat Iulie 21, 2022 (editat) Propun si eu remove la baiatu asta. + 1. Lumea se plange ca da slay fara sa dea motiv sau motivul nu este clar. 2. Nu respecta gradele mai mari de admin (sarind cu gura mare peste ei sau facand totu invers ce zic ei si dupa ignora). Editat Iulie 21, 2022 de MTP 1
**|TALHAMI|** Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Postat Iulie 21, 2022 First I respect all the admins and I ignore it because I was out of the game (AFK) I also did slay for no apparent reason before warning and we forgot this also that you are using commands against brokers and finally the main reason I didn't. I understand you because I don't speak Romanian and I told you to speak English with me and you ignored it
Apă Chioară Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Talhami due the fact that you were in a testing period and i told you several times that you are not able to be not even helper on this server and you keep missbehaving i'm proposing you to be removed from the staff. Talhami din cauza faptului că ai fost într-o perioadă de testare și ți-am spus de mai multe ori că nu esti capabil de a fi nici macar helper pe acest server și pentru ca inca te comporți prost, eu propun să fii eliminat din stafful serverului. 2
DvL.w0w Postat Iulie 21, 2022 Autor Postat Iulie 21, 2022 1 oră în urmă, **|TALHAMI|** a spus: lol? You speak Romanian with me and that's the main reason and I told you more than once to speak English to me and you ignored it Secondly you threatened me and you told me that you would give me a ban also I killed 5 people and it's my hp 500 and this is really not worth a complaint and in my opinion you deserve a warning because you threatened me Look the picture of console menu i speack with you în english bro.. Metra can confim last picture first line. So leave the excuses with me. You do not need any acces only if you want play like normal player nothing else. 1
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