LCS PREMIUM Livia Postat Ianuarie 18, 2021 LCS PREMIUM Postat Ianuarie 18, 2021 (editat) Model Postare Descriere: Descărcare: Denumire plugin: Link oficial: Imagini (opţional): Alte precizari/detalii: Regulament General Când creaţi un topic nou, acesta trebuie sa fie de minim 6-7 randuri cu informatii relevante. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi închiderea topicului. Este recomandată adăugarea unor capturi de ecran sau poze pentru facilitarea procesului de recomandare. Titlul topicului trebuie să definească recomandarea. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi redenumirea topicului. Folosiţi funcţia "Search" pentru a vă asigura că recomandarea nu a mai fost adresată. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi închiderea topicului. Topicurile fara activitate vor fi inchise de catre moderatorul sectiunii la 72 de ore (3 zile) dupa crearea topicului ! Este OBLIGATORU sa postati sursa de unde v-ati inspirat. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi închiderea topicului. Nu abuzati de categorie. Puteti deschide maxim 5 topic-uri pe zi. Încălcarea regulii duce la primirea unui avertisment verbal şi închiderea topicului. Post Model Description: Download: Plugin name: Official link: Images (optional): Other specifications/details: General Rules When you create a new topic, it must be at least 6-7 lines with relevant information. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. It is recommended to add some screenshots or pictures to facilitate the recommendation process. The topic title should define the recommendation. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and renaming the topic. Use the "Search" function to make sure the recommendation has not been sent before. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! It is MANDATORY to post the source from which you got your inspiration.Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. Do not abuse the category. You can open a maximum of 5 topics per day.Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. Editat Septembrie 24, 2024 de Alexandru06 @ LCS Update: 24.09.2024
Administrator Alex06 @ LCS Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 Administrator Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 La 19.01.2021 la 0:21, Livia a spus: Post Model Description: Download: Plugin name: Official link: Images (optional): Other specifications/details: General Rules When you create a new topic, it must be at least 6-7 lines with relevant information. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. It is recommended to add some screenshots or pictures to facilitate the recommendation process. The topic title should define the recommendation. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and renaming the topic. Use the "Search" function to make sure the recommendation has not been sent before. Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! It is MANDATORY to post the source from which you got your inspiration.Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. Do not abuse the category. You can open a maximum of 5 topics per day.Violation of the rule leads to receiving a verbal warning and closing the topic. Versiunea în Engleză a fost adăugată. English version has been added. 2 1
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