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Realizările lui who_amx


IRON I (1/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. hi im just wargood scaning my admin ban as i do my scaning he just not have pation i
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  2. it is my last time try if is this ok "thanks" and if not "good bye friend" and share my good bye with my friend (gold,mnja and others friend ) please. its been fun bye friend!
  3. Nick : who_amx Admin's nick name : KingLV Official [;x] IP : i don't want to share my Ip address but if its necessary Reason of ban : active-ban Data of ban : i don't remember unfortunately proof : request : request to my admin to unban me because i never use any hack and i play game for all time fairly
  4. hi! I am a player called "who_amx" of this server called "ESL.LEAGUECS OR " and i reguest to my admin to unban me because i never use any hack and i play game for all time fairlythat kind of photo of my game's folder correct??
  5. hi! I am a player called "who_amx" of this ESL.LEAGUECS OR server called " and i regust to my admin to unban me because i never use any hack and i play game for all time fairly and with HIGH IQ here is some pictures
  6. Hey kinglv! i cannot understand the first part of yours message (i made you 4 PHOTOS) properly so clarify again. your are asking me 4 picture of csgo1,6 game,s disktop or something else photos i upload on ??
  7. Hi! I am"who_amx" and i regust to my admin to unban me because i never use any hack and i play game for all time fairly. i just asking to my admin why name is changed to another player,s name and my admin "kingLv" just ban me for no reason
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