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- Dată Naștere Decembrie 8
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Realizările lui GameChanger

IRON I (1/25)
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New Server - A few questions and asks! Thank you! (ENG + RO)
GameChanger a răspuns la topic lui GameChanger în [IASI] Discuții/ Propuneri
Hi @Kobra! Thanks for the quick response, it's really nice to get it so fast. 1) Just after I wrote that post, I went to play, and when I started complaining that the bomb was mined, I was told it could be defused. I didn’t know about that. On the previous server, it could only be planted. So sorry ha-ha... You're right, SO it's more fun! 2) Great! Thank you! 3) It's great that now it's a big server with a large number of players and solid technical support! Thank you guys, that you're keeping up the game! 4) It seemed to me that the "double jump" feature unlocked at a certain level, or did you just add it later? Anyway, thanks! Looking forward to the post! 5) I'm not entirely sure about this, but VIPs have a feature where their weapon reloads automatically after a kill, right? If I’m not mistaken, a couple of days ago I played and noticed someone running around with a mega deagle and taking everyone out left and right. That’s why I brought it up. 6) Thanks for thinking about this too! It’s really appreciated. Overall, I totaly understand that probably most players do know Romanian, and still you can always translate it or learn the language It's just a suggestion, if somehow could be implemented. 7) On the old server, Baland had a version of cs_assault_... that was quite balanced. Could it be brought back into the map pool? Also, as a fan of de_westwood, I’d say that de_westwood_newlook (or something like that) isn’t a great map. It’s interesting in a way, but the atmosphere feels a bit strange. Based on my observations, the player count tends to drop there and still usually it's westwood_big that get's played a lot more. 8 ) For the last: it would be great to have clear guidelines on when maps can be changed. During the nighttime program, keeping dd2 makes sense, that’s clear. But, in the morning when the player count isn’t very high, maybe it would make sense to rotate in maps like cs_assault_... or other popular ones for variety. Since amx_cvar mp_timelimit 0 is set I don't really know if you should change the map it or not. Of course, you could just change the map, and it would automatically switch to 30 minutes, but since it’s your server, it would be great to clarify this with you. Overall, with the addition of /maps and nominations, the issue of choosing maps has been solved. Thanks a lot for that! And have a great Sunday! -
New Server - A few questions and asks! Thank you! (ENG + RO)
GameChanger a răspuns la topic lui GameChanger în [IASI] Discuții/ Propuneri
Salutare tuturor! După ce am jucat pe noul server, am vrut să ofer un feedback (dacă chiar e nevoie, haha). În primul rând, este foarte tare că s-a creat un server nou. Hărți noi, un sistem "N" interesant și unele probleme rezolvate. Dar iată câteva sugestii pe care aș dori să le fac: UN MARE VĂ ROG: Eliminați posibilitatea de a dezamorsa bomba. Altfel, nu are sens să plantezi bomba dacă echipa ta o pierde. Din câte am înțeles, dezamorsarea îți șterge toate kill-urile, adaugă 10 morți și runda este pierdută imediat. Care mai e rostul să plantezi bomba dacă este pierdută? Doar campezi… Aduceți înapoi slay team pentru neîndeplinirea obiectivelor. (de exemplu, dacă T nu plantează bomba și runda se termină, sau CT nu salvează ostaticii). Această opțiune este MULT mai eficientă și motivează jucătorii să urmărească obiectivele principale. În plus, mereu există șansa de a câștiga. Comunicare. (Poate mi-a scăpat ceva), dar pentru mine, noul server a fost o surpriză. Ar fi frumos dacă informațiile despre el ar fi comunicate mai bine și din timp. Ar fi util să existe informații despre ce comenzi "/bonus" sunt disponibile și de la ce nivel sunt deblocate. Vă rog să nerfați super HE. Nu doar că poți arunca două grenade HE pe rundă (dacă cumperi una normală și apoi una super), dar +20 damage este prea mult. Damage-ul normal HE este 96/48, iar +20 e exagerat. E aproape ca abilitatea Orcului, Critical Nade lvl 1-2 din modul WC3TF... Aceeași poveste cu super Deagle (+40 LOL). Este doar nevoie de două lovituri în corp și seamănă cu Critical Strike lvl 1-2, dar cu 100% șansă, nu 15%… Ați putea să faceți HUD-ul selectabil, fie în engleză, fie în română? Româna este o limbă cool, dar pur și simplu nu o înțeleg :D. (comenzi precum /eng și /ro) În rest, totul este grozav! Vă mulțumesc! -
După versiunea în engleză există cea în română! Hello everyone! After playing on the new server, I wanted to give some feedback (if it’s even needed, haha). Firstly, it’s very cool that a new server has been made. New maps, interesting “N” system, and some problems have been fixed. But here are a few things I’d like to suggest: -A VERY BIG PLEASE: Remove the ability to defuse the bomb. Otherwise, there’s no point in planting the bomb if your team loses it. From what I understand, defusing takes all your kills, adds 10 deaths, and the round is immediately lost. What's the point to plant a bomb if it was lost? Just camp... -Bring back slay team for not completing objectives. (e.g., if T doesn’t plant the bomb and the round ends, or CT doesn’t rescue the hostages). This option is MUCH more effective and motivates players to pursue the main objectives. Plus, there’s always a chance to win. -Communication. (Maybe I missed something), but for me, the new server came as a surprise. It would be nice if more information was given in advance -It would be nice to get some information about which "/bonus" and what is unlocked at what level. -Please nerf super HE. Not only can you throw two HE grenades per round (if you buy a regular one and then the super one), but +20 damage is way too much. Regular HE damage is 96/48, and +20 is insane. Its almost like Orc ability Critical Nade lvl 1-2 from WC3TF mode.. -The same story with super Deagle (+40 LOL). That’s just two body shots and it's like Critical Strike lvl 1-2 with 100% a not 15% chance... -Could you somehow make the HUD language selectable, either in English or Romanian? Romanian is a cool language, but I simply don’t understand it :D. (/eng and /ro) Otherwise, everything is awesome! Thank you!
After update it's better. But if you have it, would be great! Just in case. I only found solutions for servers, where you fix the problem from the server side, not from the player side.
Your real name: Edgar Name on CS: GameChanger Steam (on) : STEAM_0:1:51083097 How old are you?: 27 Your objective?: to ban obvious cheaters (such as zzzzzz), slay afk when they are last alive, and are T. You will join to team speak 3? I can try, but can't promise every time. Experience as an admin (And since when you play counter-strike).: long time ago I was admin, but I haven't played for a while now. What is the reason for applying as an admin?: Someone told me to ^^ What can you do to help the Server?: Did a proposal post (nice update btw!), watch out to fairplay, change team to loosing team Have you read our rules? (Key word).: Romania, blue
[CONCURS] Găsiți Dovleacul De Halloween
GameChanger a răspuns la topic lui Alex06 @ LCS în Arhiva Concursuri
participate- 50 răspunsuri
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Proposals to improve the gameplay on the server
GameChanger a răspuns la topic lui GameChanger în [IASI] Discuții/ Propuneri
Video to the weapon bug: -
GameChanger și-a schimbat imaginea de profil
Proposals to improve the gameplay on the server
GameChanger a postat un topic în [IASI] Discuții/ Propuneri
After playing on the server for a while, I would like to suggest some things to improve the quality of the gameplay on your server. Ty! 1. Remove the map de_dustyaztec: The map is significantly unfair for T. It’s impossible for T to reach and exit through the gates towards B first, unlike the original Aztec where this is achievable. (T don't also don't have smoke! For aztec it's crucial) From B, CT can shoot through the water over long distances, making it very difficult for T to even cross under the bridge without getting killed by AWP. The only option left for T is to stand as far back as possible under the bridge, but once they reach "shallow", they are visible, making planting the bomb nearly impossible. If both the gates and water are blocked, T is forced to use the bridge, which is insanly hard due to 100 CT awps. Suggestion: Revert to the original de_aztec or use a more suitable version of the map. Remove the map css_dust2: T can’t reach B faster than CT, even with the closest spawn and with good strafes with a parachute. CT always arrive first, making it impossible to rush B. Both de_dustyaztec and css_dust2 put T at a significant disadvantage, and since rushing is often the key to winning rounds for T, this leads to them camping at spawn, only to be slowly picked off by CT. Suggestion: Remove this map at all Balance issues on de_dust: On the dust, if T fails to rush quickly, especially without a few skilled players (through the tunnel or "down"), the round is almost certainly lost. This creates a frustrating experience where camping at spawn is often punished, and T players struggle to make an effective move. Suggestion: Consider using a different version of de_dust where additional paths or covers are available to create a more dynamic and balanced gameplay (de_nuke_rarea is here good example) Improve auto-balance: A common issue, especially on the above mentioned maps, is that most VIPs are joining CT, further unbalancing the game. Not only do they start with armor and helmets in pistol round (which is already a strong advantage), but they are often more experienced players. If most VIPs are on CT, defeating them becomes much harder. Many T players do not rush, leading to quick loss. By the time your auto-balance kicks in, the score is often 0-8 in favor of CT. Suggestion: Implement a VIP balance system, where VIPs can still choose their team, but the distribution of VIPs across teams is more even (especially on maps like aztec, dust, and dust2002) and maybe give them regular armor in first round and not full helm+armor. Limit map changes by admins: Admins frequently change maps via voting, but the votes are always the same, leaving many interesting maps unplayed. Suggestion: Allow more variety in map voting, and avoid always selecting the same few maps unless the player count drops. Set a time limit for staying at spawn (especially for T): This would solve two problems: prevent spawn camping and eliminate AFK players who often remain idle for long periods of time. Suggestion: Implement a mod like "camp zone" where a countdown begins when players remain in restricted zones. This could also prevent players from accessing certain areas (e.g., the T-base mountain on de_nuke). Either restrict access to this area or allow them to be used. The idea behind de_nuke_rarea was a great step forward, and it would be nice to see similar mechanics for maps like dust, aztec, or italy. Where you can use "unusable zones such as cliff on nuke" to have an advantage. Why on dustyaztec if u get there it's not a texture, but on nuke it is? Unfair, especially because you can get on dustyaztec there only having VIP gravity, but on nuke everyone can get there. Also small bug report: There is a bug where, after buying a weapon (or choosing not to buy one), and then purchasing an AWP and swapping weapons, the player loses the ability to hold any weapon in slot 1. Only the pistol, knife, and grenades remain usable. -
hello, can someone please help me find a hitbox fixer for steam version of cs 1.6 (steam_legacy). Thank you in advance! ^^