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    Republica Moldova

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Realizările lui KingLV


IRON II (2/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. , mai ales ca-i de al meu, moldovean
  2. Sorry mate, i didn’t see you on server.
  3. Bro, don't make urself a low IQ. Cmon, its 2024. I made you screenshots in GAME, did i asked you photos of desktop or other games ? You are playing Cs 1.6 not other games. U still have 12h maximum to remake the Model and to upload photos or you will remain banned for ever.
  4. Hello buddy. The reason u got banned is : i made you 4 PHOTOS which needs to be uploaded on or other site for photos. After this u leaved the server 2 times. And last reason is u changed ur name + u joined from 2 different ips. Now, make the request again with model and put the photos to see them and after this we will see if you will get unbaned or not.
  5. Doar cu conditia ca nu ma injuri cand ei bataie in joc
  6. Nume: G2 > Aldin SteamID: STEAM_2:1:1253614527 Data: 10/09/2024 00:42 Motiv: Disconnect la cerere WG Dovada:
  7. Nume: POLSKA SteamID: Data: 10/09/2024 00:10 Motiv: Aimbot setat pe corp Dovada:
  8. Nume: STARII BOG -> СТАРЫЙ БОГ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19783972 Data: 10/09/2024 00:37 Motiv: Spinbot Dovada:
  9. @level46Eu zic sa citesti inca odata regulamentul bine si sa revii cu cuvantul cheie corect. Daca pui cuvantu' cheie schimb parerea
  10. @Red #aci numai tu raspunzi
  11. Nume: OptiqMaus SteamID: STEAM_2:1:1865678114 Data: 04/09/2024 00:47 Motiv: Neprezentare WG + Wallhack [ Am dovada da nu o mai urc daca tot a dat disconnect la WG ] Dovada:
  12. Nume: 11__ SteamID: STEAM_1:1:1734515909 Data: 04/09/2024 - 00:23 Motiv: Neprezentare WG Dovada:
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