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Mohamed teto

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1 Urmăritor

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Realizările lui Mohamed teto


BRONZE I (4/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. pro good lock
  2. sory but contrea You are a good person but you need to be on the server. I will not see you on the server
  3. contra I don't know if you're laughing at us or what you want to get at every time you say that and then run away. You don't deserve a pro.
  4. I will give you a pro but be more active
  5. You are lying. I told you in the server. I apologize for this
  6. I am right, I apologized to you. You are a liar. I told you to apologize to the server and you told me that I will file a complaint. I told you okay, but you do not deserve an apology.
  7. Mohamed teto


    Go read the submission rules
  8. Yes, I broke one or two for you by mistake and told you I apologize. What more do you want than that? I don’t think you deserve to submit a request for this. I apologize to you.
  9. pro I've seen you help players more than once
  10. Mohamed teto

    Cerere admin

    contra rules
  11. I won't do anything without proof and I sent the proof to danny and xx112
  12. I am sorry, my friends. I was in a hurry to get promoted. I apologize to everyone, and this situation will not happen again
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