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Vizitatori Recenți Profil

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Realizările lui swm.


IRON II (2/25)


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Nume actual: swMm Numele pe care il doriti: swm. Motivul pentru care doriti sa il schimbati: swm era luat iar swmm nu imi place cum arata Link de la ultima cerere: n-am
  2. 1. The post has to include: [DEMO] Your name and the map + final time. EX: [DEMO] Swm - bhop_senju (0:30s). If you want to make a collection: [DEMO COLLECTION] Your name. 2. Always attach a YouTube link and the download link for the demo. 3. DON'T USE SITES LIKE AD.FLY, STRICTLY MEDIAFIRE!
  3. 1. Postarea trebuie sa includa: [DEMO] Numele tau si mapa respectiva + timp final. EX: [DEMO] Swm - bhop_senju (0:30s). In cazul in care vrei sa faci o colectie atunci: [DEMO COLLECTION] Numele tau. 2. Atasati un link de YouTube si un download al demo-ului. 3. NU FOLOSITI SITE-URI TIP AD.FLY ETC PENTRU LINKUL DE DOWNLOAD, STRICT MEDIAFIRE!
  4. Nickname: Steam ID: Description of the situation: Evidence:
  5. Nickname: Steam ID: Descrie situația: Dovezi:
  6. We invite you to apply for the admin position! The only requirement is to have at least 3 hours played on the server and to read the rules, which are very brief. THE CAMPAIGN WILL RUN UNTIL WE REACH 5 ADMINS.
  7. Te invităm să aplici pentru funcția de admin! Singura cerință este să ai minimum 3 ore jucate pe server și să citești regulamentul, care este foarte scurt. CAMPANIA SE VA DESFĂȘURA PÂNĂ CÂND VOM AJUNGE LA 5 ADMINI.
  8. Nickname: Hours Played: Current Rank: Desired Rank: Why do you want a promotion?: Co-Owner - 350 hours Administrator - 275 hours Co-Administrator - 175 hours Super Moderator - 100 hours Moderator - 50 hours Helper - 25 hours
  9. Nickname: Ore Jucate: Grad actual: Grad dorit: De ce vrei up?: Co-Owner - 350 hours Administrator - 275 hours Co-Administrator - 175 hours Super Moderator - 100 hours Moderator - 50 hours Helper - 25 hours
  10. Fondator: Swm Owner: Co-Owner: Administrator: Co-Administrator: Super Moderator: Moderator: Helper:
  11. Nick: Admin's nick: Date and hour: Map: Proof: Details:
  12. Nick: Numele admin-ului: Data și ora: Harta: Dovezi: Detalii:
  13. Name: Age (minimum 16): Nickname: Steam: Hours played on the server (minimum 25): Reason why you want this position: Have you read the rules?: Co-Owner - 350 hours Administrator - 275 hours Co-Administrator - 175 hours Super Moderator - 100 hours Moderator - 50 hours Helper - 25 hours
  14. Nume: Vârsta (minim 16): Nick: Steam: Ore jucate pe server (minim 25): Motivul pentru care vrei aceasta functie: Ai citit regulamentul?: Co-Owner - 350 hours Administrator - 275 hours Co-Administrator - 175 hours Super Moderator - 100 hours Moderator - 50 hours Helper - 25 hours
  15. Game Rules: 1. All players must respect other community members. Aggressive behavior, insults, threats, and vulgar language are not allowed. 2. Any form of cheating, scripts, or exploits is strictly prohibited and will result in a PERMANENT BAN. 3. Exploiting any bugs or server errors is forbidden. Report any technical issues to an administrator. [You can do this using the command !report in-game or via PM on the forum/discord: seveme777] 4. Do not use multiple names or the name of another player to enter the top. (Warning / Blacklist) *5. All players are asked to create an account using the command !reg to protect their name. After creating the account, all you need to do is log in through the register system. Requests and Complaints 1. Always follow the template posted before creating a request or complaint. Not following the template will result in rejection of the request. 2. If you have a complaint against an administrator, post it in the appropriate section with clear evidence. 3. Request key (Answer "Have you read the rules?": BHOP) Sanctions: 1. For minor rule violations, players will receive warnings. 2. Repeated violations will lead to temporary or permanent suspension of the account. -Repeated insults (BAN 30min) - (BAN 60min) - (BAN 100min) - (BAN 7 days) - (PERMANENT BAN) -Exploiting bugs (BAN 30min) - (BAN 60min) - (BAN 100min) - (BAN 7 days) - (PERMANENT BAN) -Using scripts - (PERMANENT BAN) 3. It is strictly forbidden to advertise other servers/communities. (PERMANENT BAN) 4. Players can contest sanctions by submitting a request in the dedicated section, providing all necessary details and evidence. Admin Rules: 1. Using commands on other admins is strictly forbidden and will be punished with (DOWN/REMOVE) 2. Admins are requested to use "amx_votemap" with the maps chosen by the players at the end of the map if it does not change. USEFUL ADMIN COMMANDS: "amx_warn" – Issues a warn to a player. "amx_votemap" – Votes for the next maps. "amx_addswear" – Adds a word to the gag list. "amx_banmenu" – Opens a ban menu. "amx_kickmenu" – Opens a kick menu. GENERAL COMMANDS: !race – Starts a race with another player. !reg – Registers your name. !top15 – Shows who is in the TOP 15. !records - Shows you a MOTD with your records. !record - Shows you a MOTD with the records on the current map. !knife – Knife menu. !slot – Access to slot is granted after 10 hours played. HOURS REQUIRED FOR RANKS: Co-Owner - 350 hours Administrator - 275 hours Co-Administrator - 175 hours Super Moderator - 100 hours Moderator - 50 hours Helper - 25 hours
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