Game Rules:
1. All players must respect other community members. Aggressive behavior, insults, threats, and vulgar language are not allowed.
2. Any form of cheating, scripts, or exploits is strictly prohibited and will result in a PERMANENT BAN.
3. Exploiting any bugs or server errors is forbidden. Report any technical issues to an administrator. [You can do this using the command !report in-game or via PM on the forum/discord: seveme777]
4. Do not use multiple names or the name of another player to enter the top. (Warning / Blacklist)
*5. All players are asked to create an account using the command !reg to protect their name. After creating the account, all you need to do is log in through the register system.
Requests and Complaints
1. Always follow the template posted before creating a request or complaint. Not following the template will result in rejection of the request.
2. If you have a complaint against an administrator, post it in the appropriate section with clear evidence.
3. Request key (Answer "Have you read the rules?": BHOP)
1. For minor rule violations, players will receive warnings.
2. Repeated violations will lead to temporary or permanent suspension of the account.
-Repeated insults (BAN 30min) - (BAN 60min) - (BAN 100min) - (BAN 7 days) - (PERMANENT BAN)
-Exploiting bugs (BAN 30min) - (BAN 60min) - (BAN 100min) - (BAN 7 days) - (PERMANENT BAN)
-Using scripts - (PERMANENT BAN)
3. It is strictly forbidden to advertise other servers/communities. (PERMANENT BAN)
4. Players can contest sanctions by submitting a request in the dedicated section, providing all necessary details and evidence.
Admin Rules:
1. Using commands on other admins is strictly forbidden and will be punished with (DOWN/REMOVE)
2. Admins are requested to use "amx_votemap" with the maps chosen by the players at the end of the map if it does not change.
"amx_warn" – Issues a warn to a player.
"amx_votemap" – Votes for the next maps.
"amx_addswear" – Adds a word to the gag list.
"amx_banmenu" – Opens a ban menu.
"amx_kickmenu" – Opens a kick menu.
!race – Starts a race with another player.
!reg – Registers your name.
!top15 – Shows who is in the TOP 15.
!records - Shows you a MOTD with your records.
!record - Shows you a MOTD with the records on the current map.
!knife – Knife menu.
!slot – Access to slot is granted after 10 hours played.
Co-Owner - 350 hours
Administrator - 275 hours
Co-Administrator - 175 hours
Super Moderator - 100 hours
Moderator - 50 hours
Helper - 25 hours