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Orice postat de 4rLd

  1. 4rLd

    Cerere admin

    Acceptat, dar va trebui sa mai intri si ts3. Contacteaza-l, cu un mesaj privat cu Steam ID-UL, pe Live Balan. T/C
  2. Unbanned. T/C
  3. 4rLd

    SS ban.

    For unban make an unban request according to the model. You upload these 4 SS on or and include the link in your request as well. T/C
  4. You haven't uploaded the screenshots. You find them in cstrike folder, there are 4 in-game pictures, one of them is green. Go to, upload all 4 screenshots and then share the link here. You won't get unbanned until you do so.
  5. Unbanned due to the lack of evidence. T/C
  6. 4rLd

    Please unban me

    When we make you screenshots, they're automatically 4 and one of them must be full green. There's no full green screenshot uploaded by you.
  7. 4rLd

    Cerere unban MoKa

    Ai unban.
  8. Again, make a request according to the model. We need your name and Steam ID/IP too.
  9. You're unbanned.
  10. Unbanned.
  11. Unbanned. Next time make a request according to the model.
  12. You've already been unbanned... I unbanned you 1h after the first request.
  13. Please make a request according to the model.
  14. This is rather an unban request. I've got some weird kills on demo with you shooting prefire and that wargods test doesn't mean anything as it shows you've done it 9 minutes after you opened the game so you didn't do it after you got banned. However, I'll unban you for now because you're active. I'll watch you closely though.
  15. You're actually not in banlist with neither, your ip nor steam id(the ones from your previous unban requests).
  16. 4rLd

    Unban JohnnyBoy

    Nu-mi spui tu cu cine sa discut sau nu =)) Sunt admin pe server, ti-am explicat cum sta treaba.
  17. 4rLd

    Unban JohnnyBoy

    Asta ramane la decizia adminului. Daca vrea el sa te astepte si sa-ti dea a 2-a sansa, bine. Ideea e ca, nu e obligat sa te astepte, te-a prins cu wg-uri pe rosu, cu fel si fel de dll-uri si cfg-uri, te-a banat. Nu inteleg ce e asa greu de inteles... nu e nimeni obligat sa te ierte ca joci cu fast switch, skin-uri interzise si crosshair AWP+Scout.
  18. 4rLd

    Unban JohnnyBoy

    Eu nu am spus ca skin-urile iti dau avantaj(dar, oricum sunt interzise). Am spus ca cfg-u' cu fast scope si tinta la awp+scout.
  19. 4rLd

    Unban JohnnyBoy

    Salut! Asta e wg-ul tau: ESL Skins, CFG-urile, in special cele care-ti aduc avantaj(cum e fast scope-ul in situatia ta) si tinta la AWP+Scout sunt interzise, de aici si banul.
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