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Thoda Brother

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Postări postat de Thoda Brother

  1. ★ Real Name:kamran

    ★ Nickname:THODA BG

    ★ Age (minimum 17):20

    ★ Admin Experience [Very Good/Good/Average]:very good

    ★ Day/Night Admin?:day/night

    ★ In what time interval can you admin?:all the time

    ★ STEAM (ON/OFF):off

    ★ WARGOD TEST :u will be want so i gave u

    ★ Why do you want Admin?:to help players 

    ★ Are you aware that if you deviate from the rules you get Remove/Down?:yes

    ★ Have you read the Regulations?:is there suck a thing

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, V.l.a.d said:

    Boss nu mai incerca atata ea și acceptă consecințele pe care le ai făcut și dacă vrei să știi noi știm mai bine regulile de cat tine tu mai mereu incalci regulamentul și nu contează dacă suntem " copilași " mai ales nu acceptam sub 16 ani boss ea și te mai documentează te la cereri de admin și la regulament sa mai inverti


    and vlad is write u always broke the rules i show u doing lm+pb if i gave u proof u will lier again so i dhont want gave u i said u to much time i dhont want gave proof to lier players i gave it to admins 

  3. 1 hour ago, Eduard@ONFiRE said:

    devii din ce in ce mai enervant, daca ai reclamatie trebuie sa pui dovada sa vada responsabilii motivul gagului si sa vad si eu pentru ce motiv mi ai dat gag.

    u never stop for crying i dhont want gave u proof and i cant gave link in there side 

  4. 14 hours ago, Eduard@ONFiRE said:

    "3 - reclamație este făcută degeaba "
    astept dovada pt ce am primit gag, si cand l am jignit pe "pere"? :))) chiar ca sunteti copilasi majoritatea si nu stiti nimic nici regulile nu le respectati si comentati aiurea ca nu respect regulamentul, astept dovezi cu ce am gresit hai pa e ultimu meu reply la topicu asta.

    now i dhont now what i want to tell u always insulting admin in game and insulting in farum if i gave u u dhont accept him and keep liering if u want keeep doing that so u dhont want to play srv u just doing stupiding reports and i show it to all admin that what u insult me i said i dhont want gave proof to lier players i dhont care if its ur last reply ya no 

  5. ah u never lisson from liering i have screanshots that what u insulting me and always send my report for no reason and hiding a thing in console that what u tell me :) and u using lm+pb 2 3 players tell me for slay him but i no slay u and i see with my face u use lm+pb and i slay u and when i slay u u insulting me

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