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Double 6

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Postări postat de Double 6

  1. ★ Nick : Double 6

    ★ Date : today 

    ★ Admins present on the server : a lot ....

    ★ Admin Name : exb

    ★ Brief description of what happened :  he said  im wallhacker ??

    ★ Proof : how i can give a proof wtf 

    why he didnot ask for wg or pic §??? i was not use hack wtf !!!

  2. ★ Nick: Killer2004

    ★ Ip:

    ★ Steamid:  STEAM_1:1:1394978867

    ★ Motiv:he wall hacker i told him give me test wg but he leave server 

    ★ Data/Ora/Mapa: 01:14   22/03/2024  dd2 

    ★ Dovada: i have demo (contact me for demo)

    i dont ban him because i dont have access 😛

    Killer2004 - - STEAM_1:1:1394978867 - Morocco - #1170

  3. ★ Real Name: Abd Sslam

    ★ Nickname: Double 6

    ★ Age (minimum 17):  21

    ★ Admin Experience [Very Good/Good/Average]:  Very Good

    ★ Day/Night Admin?: both

    ★ In what time interval can you admin?: day/night



    ★ Why do you want Admin?: helping server from hackers 😛

    ★ Are you aware that if you deviate from the rules you get Remove/Down?: sure

    ★ Have you read the Regulations?:  Is there such a thing?

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