Hello again.
If you are wondering why I permanently banned the person without Proof Mustafa XD or Minigun could confirm the player is breaking Rules & Disrespecting Admins/Server
I put Proof text
here's the reason of me banning the player: Technically the player just joined for first time and Doing Camping/Turnback breaking rules and I slayed him 2x he did retry and then he started
Insulting said "This server sucks" and Insulting my mother and other Admins, Minigun kicked the person and the person joined back and Hard insult then I decided to Ban him for 1 month then he came back with his IP/ID Changer and Start to insult me again then I permbanned him. What would you do If the player insults your mother your family? The exactly you have to do is Punish him as Ban Command for a month Insulting Your mother then you see the player uses ip changer he decided to come back and insult again what you're gonna do is perm ban that's it
Next time if i ban someone permanently I'll be recording and Make Screenshots as proof.