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Orice postat de BINIS

  1. People im writting for the 100 time, this is the proof of the guerilla BAN. Im just trying to say that this PLAYER ON THIS IMAGE YOU HAVE AS A PROOF, IS NOT WALL HACK BUT IS A PLAYER WHO IS TRYING TO GO UP but it looks like wallhack, i can prove this brotherssssssss, i can go on that place on the same map and anyone from you can see that this is the trueth that im talking. It has a lot of servers to play but we want to play here beacuse we are like family and the ban is unfair. IS ANYBODY HEARING ME WHAT IM TRYING TO SAYYYY???????
  2. Hello all, im Binislozo! writting for Guerilla, this there has been a misunderstanding, how can we talk and prove to you that guerilla does not have hacks. In the photos of the evidence that you posted for the guerilla, there was a misunderstanding, please understand, there are no cheats in the photo, only the player of the other team was there trying to enter the space above and it looks original as if it were cheats . PLEASE I CAN PROVE YOU UNDERSTAND THIS
  3. Hello all and thanks for the good vibe on server. Me (BINISLOZO!) and guerilla are playing in the server all the day and everyday so we feel like in our home when we are playing there and thanks to all admin for the time they spend helping us and server. The reason im writting here is for the unfair ban for me and guerilla... All admins are super guys but only NO HACKS AND BRO are disrespecting us. No hacks stays like boss and when he wants he gag and laugh. And admin bro banned us for no reason. Guerilla is a good player and admin bro banned him just beacuse he kill admin bro all the time, the same is for the admin no hacks. ADmin bro banned me just because i told him that is unfair that he banned guerilla. This is totaly unfair for me and him because we play all the day in server and all of admins knows us.
  4. Admin-request NICK:BINISLOZO! VARSTA(MINIM 16 ANI): 27 years old INTERVARLUL INTRE CARE POTI ADMINA: I can be active on server between 10:00AM to 20:00PM. STEAM ID : "BINISLOZO!" 5853 STEAM_1:0:655836167 4 24:24 33 0 EXPERIENȚĂ-AMXX:I have experience but 6,7 years ago.I play cs 1.6 from 2008 POTI DONA?:I cant donate for the moment VEI VOTA SV?:Yes CONTACT(NR-TEL/FACEBOOK):i have only Telegram: +62 831 17057371 AI CITIT REGULAMENTUL?: YES KEY WORD: ADMIN REQUEST Link Scan Wargods(Obligatoriu): ORE-GAMETRAKER (OBLIGATORIU):!/
  5. Hello to the KING LEAGUE TEAM, hope you are all fine. Im BINISLOZO! , a player on KING SERVER and im requesting for admin possition. I have experience in this field so i will be very happy if my request is approved. If im not applying good please contact me at my email Contact:
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