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Orice postat de bardock1

  1. Contra 1- I would advise you to read the rules and come back. By the way don’t read the rules quick, try to understand them in a way you can discribe them to other players without any difficulties.
  2. bardock1

    admin request

    For me i say Contra to, but i see you beeing more active then you used to be. (keep it up) once you fixed the mistakes talked above i will be giving you pro but for now its contra
  3. [1]. Name : Mustafa [2]. Nick server :bardock1 [3]. Age:22 [4]. Current rank :Administrator [5]. Hours played [Click here] : [6]. Link from the last application : [7]. Why do you want upgrade ? :Access to more Commands
  4. for me also contra becouse i kept telling you to wait 2 weeks after you got rejected for making another request
  5. 1] Nick server :$_$ hamza $_$ [2] IP and Steam ID :STEAM_1:1:1475375746 / IP: [3] Reason : Advertising [4] Proof : [5] Date and ban duration :Permanent [6] Details :
  6. Contra i just dont see you beeing very polite to others. It doesnt work by swearing back to them just becouse they did it. and also you know the rules but sometimes you dont want to apply them.
  7. bardock1

    Cerere UP

    Definetly Pro You know how to use the commands very well. you are active on the sv. i see you beeing a good admin and helping others when needed. Keep up the good work
  8. I suggest that if you break a sandbag you should be getting 5 ap and for lasermines 10 bc you get 1 ap for sandbag and 5 for lm and that isnt really much considering the effort.
  9. Im not hating or trying to make a negative influence or something its just my opinion so dont take it in a negative aspect . yeah so first i dont really see you on the server as much as before and i clearly cant say the same couse i dont have much time rn but that has a reason.( i dont know your reason). Coming on for like 3-6hours in a week should be the least if you dont really have time so i dont really see the point of doing the upgrade when you slowly are getting inactive. so for me i have to stick with Stas on this one and for me its CONTRA
  10. Pro: you have what it takes to be promoted i see you have knowledge to surpass helper and i also see you helping players in need
  11. [1].Name : Mustafa [2].Nick server : bardock1 [3].Age: 22 [4]. Current rank : helper [5]. Hours played [ Click Here ] : [6].Link from the last application : [7]. Why do you want upgrade ? : i know the basic Knowledge now for beeing a helper and i want to be more then just helper since i have improven myselfe on the server and since there are commands that helpers cant really access.
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