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Orice postat de bardock1

  1. Acest post nu poate fi afișat deoarece este într-un forum protejat de parolă. Introdu parolă
  2. Acest post nu poate fi afișat deoarece este într-un forum protejat de parolă. Introdu parolă
  3. PRO
  4. PRO
  5. bardock1

    Cerere Admin

  6. Contra
  7. Pro
  8. Vote 1
  9. bardock1


    Contra you break the rules you always team up with antit when you are zombie and hes human even today i saw it
  10. 1] Nick server :Player [2] IP and Steam ID :STEAM_1:1:498749508 / [3] Reason : Advertising [4] Proof : [5] Date and ban duration :Permanent [6] Details :
  11. bardock1

    Admin request

    Wrong section go to the admin request page
  12. 1] Nick server :CybeR Player [2] IP and Steam ID :STEAM_1:0:761737188 / [3] Reason : Speedhacking [4] Proof : [5] Date and ban duration :Permanent [6] Details :
  13. did you really read the rules tho? for me also contra bc you also break the rules and paste the gametracker link for hours
  14. bardock1

    Cerere helper

    Contra fix the problems above
  15. Contra -you may have red the rules but you dont play like the rules tells you -you are not 16 years old your 15 years old
  16. 1] Nick server : Mester [2] IP and Steam ID :STEAM_1:1:1648946172 [3] Reason : Using Long Lasermines [4] Proof : [5] Date and ban duration :15 min [6] Details :The first time i removed the lasermine second time i slayed 2-4 times bc you didnt listen and i warned you that i will kick you after that i kicked you and after you joined i warned you that if you do it again i will ban you
  17. bardock1

    Admin Request

  18. PRO
  19. Oregon does not need to give you proof only if you dont apply with this comment. At first i thought to myselfe maybe your not hacking but after time i realised something was wrong. I even wanted to ban you myselfe but i couldnt find the file and to be honest i also saw you using something on the server bc it seemed that you played like nooneelse did and here you are telling that you didnt use anything. I even tried everything but it also seems that your recoil is different then everybodyelses and 90% of your shots are headshots. Don´t get me wrong hitting headshots are not that hard but with your recoil i doubt that you can hit headshots mostly every bullet. here is my proof of you hacking Go here and look for yourselfe after a few days i found the file i was looking for and explain how you saw the invisible zombie you were shooting at 1:30 and of course how you hit everyshot at such distance with that kind of recoil.
  20. Pro
  21. Pro
  22. bardock1

    Cerere admin

    Pro i see you beeing active on the server and i see that you are respecting the rules
  23. Contra bc as beeing said above your not really active but i dont think just bc you could not handle to be an admin before changes the thing that you wont be an admin anymore on the server. fix the problems beeing said above and you might consider requestion again bc why not just give you a second chance
  24. Contra
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