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661 citiri profil

Realizările lui Chestorr


BRONZE I (4/25)

  • 1 an de LeagueCS

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Nume: Andrei Varsta: 19 Judet : Vrancea
  2. de la mine ai un DA, Speram sa treci in etapa urmatoare !
  3. 1]. Nume:Andrei [2]. Nick server:Chestor [3]. Varsta:18 [4]. LeveL:19 [5]. Gradul actual:Administrator [6]. Ore jucate [Apasa aici]: [7]. Link de la ultima cerere: [8]. De ce doresti upgrade?:Pentru a avea acces la mai multe comenzi.
  4. You can t post here an request for admin, here you can only request upgrade if u are already admin and u are not. u made an request for admin at the right section so u have to wait to be accepted first as helper and after some weeks and some hours like activity u can make an request for upgrade.
  5. Contra, motivele mai sus
  6. Pro
  7. contra, you didn t read the rules and u didn t put the right model of application.
  8. Pro, nu le mai multumi sau sa le raspunzi in acest topic ca da urat, poți reacționa cu un emoji.
  9. pro
  10. Pro
  11. 5 vot
  12. Contra, nu ai citit regulamentul
  13. Pro
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