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Postări postat de asassinul

  1. [RO]

    Numele tău real:

    Numele tau pe sv:

    Vârsta ta:

    Orele jucate link gametraker:

    Discord-ul tău:

    Ai citit regulamentul serverului daca da spune cuvântul key? :  

    Ai intrat pe serverul de discord/Ts3:

    Aveți 25 ore pe sv ?:

    Cu ce ai ajuta comunitatea/sv-ul?:



    Your real name:

    Your name on sv:

    Your age:

    Hours played gametraker link:

    Your Discord:

    Did you read the rules of the server if it says the word key? :

    You have entered the discord/Ts3 server:

    Do you have 25 hours per sv?:

    How would you help the community/sv?:

  2.                                                                                             Owner            















  3. [RO] Regulamentul serverului  :   .::ZMXP.LEAGUECS.RO::. [Zombie Crown V8.3

    1. Jocul este liber in limita bunului simt.
    2. Zombie: obiectivul principal: Zombie sunt obligati sa atace, nu au voie sa stea, pentru a fi omorati de catre un alt jucator pentru packs , xp,points,coins !!
    3. Oameni: obiectivul principal: Oamenii sunt obligati sa elimine toti zombie.
    4. Nu cereti in mod abuziv: jetpack, packs,xp,coins,points de la Owner sau jucatori, cine nu respecta va primi gag sau ban 15 minute
    5. Nu cereti in mod abuziv: modurile jocului, survivor, nemesis, human , dragon,  zodiac, spiner etc.
    6. Nu uitați niciodata doar co-owner-ul si owner-ul poate utiliza comenzi pe alti admini.
    7.Daca faceti cerere de admin, raspundeti la intrebarea "Ai citit regulamentul?" cu: "leaguecs"

    8. Este interzis sa injurati sau sai stanjeniti pe alti pentru bunul plac !!

    9. Toti jucatori la logare vor primi 2000 packs---50 points- 25coins-10xp !! din partea Fondatorului !!

    10.Nu este permisa logare cu alte nume de sv sau forumuri kick sau ban 30 min !

    11.Daca un player fura ammo de pe alte nume, va fi banat permanent!(VERIFICATI IP!)

                                                                                                          SPOR LA FRAGURI  !!

    Regulament admini:
    ¤ Este interzis sa abuzezi de comanda amx_vote doar pentru distractia personala(exceptie owneri,co-owneri,daca pot distinge atmosfera server-ului)
    ¤ Este interzis sa te folosesti de comenzile slap,slay,kick freeze doar pentru a-ti avantaja situatia in joc.
    ¤ Este interzis sa te folosesti de comenzile slap,slay,kick,freeze daca persoana in fapt nu a incalcat nici o regula.
    ¤ Este interzis schimbarea hartilor in timpul programului de noapte 
    ¤ Aveti voie sa va dati  mod din admin menu, si 1 la playeri inafra de Owner -Co-Owner care pot da mori si eveturi vip free  --Mode event  !!!
    ¤ Puteti folosi  respawn, zm pentru a continua jocul pana la terminarea rundei !
    ¤ Nu aveti voie sa folositi comenzi (slap,slay,freeze,kick,change nick sau ban) in gluma pe alti admini, exceptie slay in cazul in care incalca regulile la moduri, cine nu respecta remove.
    ¤ Dupa ce sunteti acceptati ca admini,aveti obligatia de a va crea ban-list in sectiunea respectiva,respectand modelul!
    ¤ Cine va cere up, va primi downgrade. Se da up pe merit si activitate !!
    ¤ Esti obligat sa asculti si sa respecti un grad mai mare. Gradul mai mare este obligat sa fie exemplu pentru restul prin comportament si maturitate!!

    ¤  Toti admini trebuie sa dea un boost saptamanal pentru activiateta sv-ului  ; acesta va fi recompensat  !!

    ¤ Adminul se da la 25 h pe sv si varsta maxima 17-30y !!

    ¤ Admini trebuei sa fie online pe ts3 sau sv discord obligatoriu :

     ¤ Este interzis sa folosesti orice fel de scripturi gen bunny hop,no recoil,etc.
     ¤ Este interzis sa injuri(se include chatul adminilor).
     ¤ Este interzis sa ceri explicatii unui admin daca nu a folosit o comanda pe tine. 

    ¤  Doar owneri au voie sa pornesca event vip free !!



    Toti care cumpara vip lunar sau permanent o sa primeasca si  recompensa + 1  week  vip free  !!

    Jucatori cu vip nu au voie sa abuzeze de acestea pentru scop rau meniul de vip fiind bine update in intems !!



    [RO] Server Rules::::ZMXP.LEAGUECS.RO::. [Zombie Crown V8.3

    1. The game is free within the limits of common sense.
    2. Zombie: the main objective: Zombies are forced to attack, they are not allowed to stay, to be killed by another player for packs, xp, points, coins!!
    3. Humans: the main objective: Humans are obliged to eliminate all zombies.
    4. Do not ask abusively: jetpack, packs, xp, coins, points from the Owner or players, those who do not respect will receive a gag or ban for 15 minutes
    5. Do not ask abusively: game modes, survivor, nemesis, human, dragon, zodiac, spinner, etc.
    6. Never forget only the co-owner and the owner can use commands on other admins.
    7. If you apply for admin, answer the question "Have you read the rules?" with: "leaguecs"

    8. It is forbidden to swear or embarrass others for fun!!

    9. All players upon logging in will receive 2000 packs---50 points- 25coins-10xp !! from the Founder!!

    10. It is not allowed to log in with other sv names or kick forums or ban 30 min!

    11. If a player steals ammo from other names, he will be permanently banned! (CHECK IP!)

                                                                                         Good luck TO FRAGRI !!

    Admin regulations:
    ¤ It is forbidden to abuse the amx_vote command only for personal fun (except owners, co-owners, if they can distinguish the atmosphere of the server)
    ¤ It is forbidden to use the slap, slay, kick freeze commands just to gain an advantage in the game.
    ¤ It is forbidden to use the slap, slay, kick, freeze commands if the person has not actually broken any rules.
    ¤ It is forbidden to change the maps during the night program
    ¤ You are allowed to give yourself a mod from the admin menu, and 1 to players other than Owner-Co-Owner who can give free vip deaths and events --Mode event!!!
    ¤ You can use respawn, zm to continue the game until the end of the round!
    ¤ You are not allowed to use commands (slap, slay, freeze, kick, change nick or ban) as a joke on other admins, except for slay in case it violates the mod rules, whoever does not respect it will be removed.
    ¤ After you are accepted as admins, you have the obligation to create your ban-list in the respective section, respecting the model!
    ¤ Whoever asks for an upgrade will receive a downgrade. It is given up on merit and activity!!
    ¤ You are obliged to listen and respect a higher degree. The higher degree is obliged to be an example for the rest through behavior and maturity!!

    ¤ All admins must give a weekly boost for the sv's activity; this will be rewarded !!

    ¤ Admin is given at 25 h per sv and maximum age 17-30y !!

    ¤ Admins must be online on ts3 or sv discord mandatory:

    ¤ It is forbidden to use any kind of scripts like bunny hop, no recoil, etc.
    ¤ It is forbidden to swear (the admin chat is included).
    ¤ It is forbidden to ask an admin for explanations if he has not used a command on you.

    ¤ Only owners are allowed to start vip event free !!

    V.I.P RULES!!

    Everyone who buys monthly or permanent vip will also receive a reward + 1 week vip free!!

    Players with vip are not allowed to abuse these for bad purposes, the vip menu being well updated intems!!



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