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1 Urmăritor

Despre tedaimlocks

  • Dată Naștere Octombrie 26

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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1.127 citiri profil

Realizările lui tedaimlocks



  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

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Reputație Comunitate

  1. si macar un warn ceva inainte de ban perm ..?
  2. Nickname : tedaimlocks Admin name : BiGoTT1 Your IP : - ban e pe steamid / STEAM_0:0:518759572 Ban reason : ? Date and time of the ban : 2/18/25, ora nu stiu exact, pe la 6 Proof ( demo / screenshot ) : Other info : presupun ca pentru cum am jucat aici am luat ban lol
  3. Salut w00dy, o sa vorbesc cu el cand va intra pe server si se va rezolva.
  4. tedaimlocks


    Hello, seems like you created this topic in the wrong forum. You should create the topic in the zombie escape forum, not zombie.
  5. tedaimlocks

    [Map] zm_spk_one

    Nume: zm_spk_one Mod Mapă: Zombie Descriere: O mapa mica, pentru serverele cu putini playeri, 30 spawn-uri total | V2 in curand Autor: tedaimlocks Link download: Imagini :
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  6. Accepted
  7. [Model] Nick: Admin Nick: SteamID: Date and time: Reason for your ban: Why you want to be unbanned: Proof(If you have any):
  8. As the title says, we are looking for admins on our server. [Model] Nick: Age: Hours played(GameTracker link): For how long have you been playing on the server: Why do you want to be helper: [Requirements] You need to be 14+ years old You need to be active You need to play atleast 2 weeks You need to have atleast 30 hours played If you get rejected, you can apply after 1 week.
  9. You can vote our server if you want to help us. You will get rewarded for your votes 10 votes - 3 Days VIP or 1 Day Premium VIP 20 votes - 7 Days VIP or 3 Days Premium VIP [YOU CAN ONLY VOTE ONCE A DAY] 1 vote on all 10 links = 1 vote a day Create your own topic and use the following model Topic name should be [Votes] Nick My Nick : Votes : To get your rewards tag a founder in your votes topic
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      • Fortzaaaa
  10. Normal Maps zm_foda zm_asiatic_ground zm_gbox7 zm_gbox6 zm_gbox5 zm_battleground_foda zm_ice_attack5 zm_ice_attack3 zm_dream zm_five zm_fox_v5 zm_fox_v3 zm_fox_v2 zm_fox zm_fortuna zm_dust_world zm_defense zm_cross zm_clinic_emergency_v2 zm_clinic_emergency zm_3rooms Special Maps zm_maze zm_militia zm_inferno zm_death_village
  11. - You are not allowed to swear/spam. [SANCTION - GAG 3-10 MIN] - Your nickname must not contain swear words or other servers/communities. [SANCTION - KICK/CHANGE NICK] - You are not allowed to use admin chat for anything else than reporting players/bugs. [SANCTION - GAG/KICK/BAN 15-30 MIN] - Advertising other servers/communities is not allowed. (if its binded > KICK, if intentionally spamming > BAN) [SANCTION - KICK/BAN PERMANENT] - You are not allowed to use any kind of cheats. [SANCTION - BAN PERMANENT] - You are not allowed to team with other players [SANCTION - SLAY/KICK/BAN 30-60 MIN] - You are not allowed to block other humans/zombies (excluding lasermine hiding spots for humans) [SANCTION - SLAP/SLAY/KICK] - As a zombie you must always attack humans. [SANCTION - SLAP/SLAY] - As a zombie you are not allowed to let other humans kill you (free) [SANCTION - SLAP/SLAY/KICK/BAN 15-30 MIN] - You are not allowed to reconnect if you are the first zombie [SANCTION - SLAY/KICK/BAN 15-30 MIN] - You are not allowed to buy boss/survivor mod more than once in a map (doesnt matter if the server gave you them) [SANCTION - SLAY/KICK/BAN 30-60 MIN] - You are not allowed to use Cerberus Dog ability more than once per round [SANCTION - SLAY/KICK/BAN 15-35 MIN] - You are not allowed to spam fire/frost nades on zombies [SANCTION - SLAY/KICK/BAN 15-30 MIN] - You are allowed to strafe/bhop but in common sense, if someone tells you to stop then stop [SANCTION - SLAY/KICK/BAN 30-60 MIN]
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