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SPiDey a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Septembrie 1 2024

SPiDey a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

4 Urmăritori

Despre SPiDey

  • Dată Naștere 03.02.1991

Câmpuri de profil

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Configurații server

  • Server & Games

Vizitatori Recenți Profil

600 citiri profil

Realizările lui SPiDey


SILVER I (7/25)

  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Nume actual: zackjovian1 Numele pe care il doriti: SPiDey Motivul pentru care doriti sa il schimbati: I do play on ze of lgcs with "SPiDey" Link de la ultima cerere: It's my first time
  2. Name : SPiDey Reclamation : Bug Map ze_havana Motiv : Additions : This map was good before and now as you can see in video,it has invisible wall,it can't be across by normal players,only vips can make it to next spots and it has 2 invisible walls.
  3. Hello,I suggest to add more hp for zombies because a lot of people do have strong weapons (55 to 70),and specially vips do have multiple damage so the zombie die in a fast way & thanks. PS: normal & nemesis mode.
  4. The friendly fire gets on,when sameone has the guillotine,he can kill his teammate,so maybe its a bug or friendly fire on,I dont know actually the real problem,but it should be fixed because it happened to me few times even vip has no fall damage,but he can lose hp due to this issue,so I hope you fix as soon as possible & thanks.
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