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Frostoh a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Octombrie 21 2023

Frostoh a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

7 Urmăritori

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Realizările lui Frostoh



  • 1 an de LeagueCS

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Reputație Comunitate

  1. Will visit in a bit getting laptop fixed and after i'll peek on server for a bit
  2. Doing great dude doing great, everything's going pretty good so far
  3. Bruh admins be popping out like mushrooms
  4. For wh testing you can use amx_blind If flat yeah dunno there
  5. About not helping el kok dude and just laughing at him 1. Luffy did help him (least as he stated) and 2. Whrn i was him on server i wanted to help and i'd help if he wasn't to be afk-
  6. it's not really exam the one i'm taking so it's just a test to check how much of French i know to check the level
  7. Feels good only having to take 1 exam once a year
  8. Question, where da like 50% of admins go? XD
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