MembersTip conținut
Orice postat de Ibarra
Pro, bafta
PRO, good luck
Hello Arigun, check again and read carefully the rules one by one AGAINST
Hello mr.monster, If you have been rejected on previous request you need to wait 2 weeks to make another one i dont think your ready to be admin, sometimes you act superior to my colleagues and and you need to gain some maturity AGAINST/CONTRA
PRO, good luck
[ZM] Cerere Administrator femeseu .eXe
Ibarra a răspuns la topic lui femeseu .eXe în [ZM] Cerere Upgrade
PRO, multa bafta -
Eu iti dau PRO de incurajare dar trebuie sa astepti 2 luni pentru grad
AGAINST, you didnt read the rules (check again and be aware of one point) EDIT: STOP doing multiple requests, you already have another one and when you will be rejected you have to wait 2 weeks to make another request
Unde scrie Nick Server pune numele cu care joci pe server sa stim cine esti pana atunci iti dau CONTRA EDIT: Presupun ca esti asta https://www.gametracker.com/player/Andrei/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/ Sincer nu stiu ce sa zic astept opinia unui coleg, pe link-u care lai pus ai ore necesare, pe care lam pus eu nu ai
AGAINST, i dont think you deserve admin right now, reasons above
PRO, bafta
PRO, baiat cuminte
PRO, bafta
AGAINST, i think you are Ayman or trying to steal the name, there are already 2 request with the same name
CONTRA, colegii ti o spus motivele
AGAINST, you have to wait 2 weeks/14 days to make another request
AGAINST, reasons above
Read my answer carefully, if you don't understand, translate it but read it calmly. 1. STOP spamming with many POST/REQUEST, you will be REJECTED EVERY TIME YOU WILL POST 2. Read/translate the REQUIREMENT because i dont think you understand english 3. Once again READ CAREFULLY THE RULES 4. If youre request was DENIED you need to wait 2 weeks/14 days to make another one 5. TOPIC NAME/REQUEST MODEL is INCORRECT, once again check requirement AGAINST FOR THIS POST
Hello again Snokx, my response to youre request is AGAINST because it didnt past 14 days since youre last post
[1]. Nume: Adrian [2]. Nick server: Ibarra [3]. Varsta: 29 [4]. LeveL: 20 [5]. Gradul actual: Helper [6]. Ore jucate [Apasa aici]: https://www.gametracker.com/player/Ibarra/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/ [7]. Link de la ultima cerere: [8]. De ce doresti upgrade?: Sa am acess la mai multe comenzi
AGAINST, check again the requirement for admin, you need to be activ and STOP SPAMMING WITH REQUESTS
CONTRA, minim 30 ore (nu ai pus link-u cu orele in cerere), activitatea ti slaba (ai intrat de 3 ori intro luna), fii mai activ pe server
Hello Snokx, if youre previous request was DENIED, you need to wait 2 weeks to make another one. Stop spamming with many requests, when will do the next one you have to put the name like this “[ZM] Admin Request Snokx”, when you copy/past the english version of the model you have the requiement bellow You have 53 hours played, you can check here https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/zm.leaguecs.ro:27015/top_players/?query=snokx Unfortunately you will recieve AGAISNT at this request.
We have many players how speak Spanish and sometimes you help them when they need something. Im my opinion you deserve a chance, lets see what are you capable of PRO