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I-S-T a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Iulie 1 2024

I-S-T a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

1 Urmăritor

Configurații server

  • Server & Games

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929 citiri profil

Realizările lui I-S-T


SILVER I (7/25)

  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. I-S-T


    Nume : I-S-T Nume propunere : Changing special coins to another name Detalii: The currenct special coins name is Us.DolLaRs I propose to change it, cuz USD is just weird. New names I thought about: 1. Coins 2. Ammo 3. Rings 4. Gold
  2. I-S-T


    Nume : I-S-T Nume propunere : Adding rtv command Detalii: Sometimes a map that most players dislike is being played and they wish to change the map. I suggest to add the "RTV" plugin, so in that case when over 50% of the players vote to change to map, automatically a voting menu appears to choose the next map
  3. I-S-T


    Name: I-S-T Proposal: Update Dual Elite skin Proposal details: Change the current skin to a more clean skin Pictures/videos...etc. :
  4. I-S-T


    Name: I-S-T Proposal: Remove the maps: 1. ze_Doki_Doki_SummerTime_V2_DP 2. zm_cbble_kamp Proposal details: The first map is a bad one, you reach escape zone in 30 seconds and then players camp for over a minute, killing zombies in and around the escape zone that from there you can kill zombies across half the map. The second map is not a very good one + the max vote limit is 4 and there are 5 nemesis maps. Pictures/videos...etc. : -
  5. I-S-T


    I was ignored so saying again, please bring back heal_dust2.
  6. I-S-T


    Name: I-S-T Proposal: Bring back heal_dust2 Proposal details: I was playing at night and that map wasn't an option to vote for. It seems it was removed. I ask to bring back that map. Pictures/videos...etc. : -
  7. I-S-T


    Name: I-S-T Proposal: Remove map ze_chikatetsu_dp Proposal details: I suggest to remove that map, it's pretty much frustrating. Pictures/videos...etc. : -
  8. Name: I-S-T Gun: M4A1 Fire Suggestion: Hey, before the update that gun's damage was 150/hit. Ever since it was so nerfed that its damage is only 60/hit. I suggest to update its damage to 100/hit so it`ll have a modest damage rate.
  9. I-S-T


    Name: I-S-T Proposal: Set only 1 nemesis map - dust2 (heal) Proposal details: Hey, I have something to say addressing that issue. Every night on 9PM a nemesis round starts for 1 hour. There are 3 maps to choose from. There is dd2 map (heal) and 2 others. To my opinions, the 2 others a lot of times are frustrating, to my opinion, and lots of times there are less than 18 players playing due to these maps. Therefore, I suggest to remove the 2 other nemesis map and keep only dd2 map for nemesis rounds. Pictures/videos...etc. : -
  10. I-S-T


    Your name: I-S-T Proposal: change CT skin, the current one cause server lags. Proposal details:
  11. I-S-T


    Nume tau : I-S-T Nume propunere : post Boss Fight map - change to ze_potc_fabi Detalii propunere : I suggest that after the boss fight ends, the next map will be ze_potc_fabi. It`s a favourable map and I believe it would be more attractive than ze_assault_escape2. Poze/video...etc. : -
  12. Your name : I-S-T Map names: 1. ze_jurassicpark_boss_b1 2. ze_storage_remastered_final 3. ze_surf_facility_v2 I suggest to remove these maps, they`re kinda frustrating and buggy. Unfortunately, they also cause players to leave.
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