Nume tau : Fadnane_404
Nume propunere : M4A1 Fire (Maybe replace it by other gun called : Stun Rifle)
Detalii propunere : So, I'm *Pro* about what Andromeda & Carlos said about that gun.
An high lvl like this (lvl 50), should to have a perfect gun for that lvl because it's hard to reach it, so that gun should to have a high dmg. In this situation, we find Tornado Laser Gun & the gun for lvl 35 have a good dmg and are better than M4A1 Fire in this case, that's why M4A1 Fire should have a little high dmg for emp : 200Dmg.
About me, I prefer to replace it by an other gun, it's Stun Riffle, it's a good gun for this lvl, or put Ethereal for lvl 50 and that new gun for lvl 54
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