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    Marea Britanie

BandiT a câștigat ziua ultima dată pe Noiembrie 29 2024

BandiT a avut cel mai apreciat conținut!

Vizitatori Recenți Profil

9.935 citiri profil

Realizările lui BandiT


DIAMOND I (16/25)

  • 3 ani de LeagueCS Rar
  • 1.000 posturi Rar
  • 2 ani de LeagueCS
  • Membru Popular Rar
  • 1 an de LeagueCS

Insigne recente


Reputație Comunitate

  1. Dupa cum ai zis si tu deja exista o gramada de modalitati de a face xp, deci deocamdata se respinge aceasta propunere, dar ramane de vazut pe viitor, probabil va fi luata in considerare. T.C.
  2. o sa vad ce pot face, ce pot scadea
  3. Daca schimb tot ce ati zis voi dupa nemesis o sa fie prea puternic, este madness in shop, luati madness.
  4. Hello, how many years have I been playing in the zombie game, can you vip me, I really like to make high jumps in the game, my username is *****[**JAVAD***]************ thanks

  5. deja e destul de luminat. mai sunt unele harti care sunt mai intunecate, plus asta e farmecul jocului zombie sa fie mai intunecat, dar o sa ma uit sa vad pe cate lumina, poate sa schimbat ceva.
  6. Accesul la nemesis il am doar eu si nu o sa il dau inca la altcineva, am sa rezolv problema curand cu mapa aia ca sa numai fie probleme.
  7. EVENT TOP15 FOR DECEMBER ENDS TODAY AND THE WINENR ARE : 1ST - mRaK - 4068 MINUTES PLAYED (You already have VIP, so you can choose a person who you wanna give it the vip access, let me know in private DM/PM the name of the person who does not have vip) - BORZ - Descalificat, tu ai castigat luna trecuta, nu poti castiga 2 la rand. 2ST - Cre@tiv* - 3166 MINUTES PLAYED - Red^Bull - Descalificat, tu ai castigat luna trecuta, nu poti castiga 2 la rand. - 4NDR0MEDA1999 - Descalificat, tu ai castigat luna trecuta, nu poti castiga 2 la rand. - CybeR Player - desqualified because many players play on that name. 3RD - Sylent.- 3011 MINUTES PLAYED (Tu ai vip deja, asa ca poti sa dai vip-ul unei persoane care nu are vip la alegerea ta, ma contactezi pe discord in privat cui vrei sa ill dai) PROOF => TO GET THE REWARDS JUST CONTACT ME ON DISCORD => bandileaguecs THE TOP IS RESETED AND NEXT WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN 12-02-2025.
  8. Hmm, o sa ma gandesc la asta.
  9. EVENT TOP15 FOR NOVEMBER ENDS TODAY AND THE WINENR ARE : 1ST - Red^Bull - 9205 MINUTES PLAYED (Tu ai vip deja, asa ca poti sa dai vip-ul unei persoane care nu are vip la alegerea ta, ma contactezi pe discord in privat cui vrei sa ill dai) 2ST - Cre@tiv* - 4598 MINUTES PLAYED (Esti descalificat dupa cum spune si regulemntul nu poti castiga de doua ori la rand, urmatorul loc iti va lua locul) - CybeR Player desqualified because many players play on that name. 2ST - Borz - MINUTES PLAYED 3344 (Tu ai vip deja, asa ca poti sa dai vip-ul unei persoane care nu are vip la alegerea ta, ma contactezi pe discord in privat cui vrei sa ill dai) 3RD - 4NDR0MEDA1999 - 3101 MINUTES PLAYED (You already have VIP, so you can choose a person who you wanna give it the vip access, let me know in private DM/PM the name of the person who does not have vip) PROOF => TO GET THE REWARDS JUST CONTACT ME ON DISCORD => bandileaguecs THE TOP IS RESETED AND NEXT WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN 12-01-2025.
  10. NEW VIP : VIP PLATINUM benefits: - multijump - 130 armor - x2.2 damage - no fall damage - x3 frost & x3 fire - access to VIP Hats - SHOP - > Extra Gun — > Electron V (Anti Ragging Madness) - /specialget (chance to win more xp and coins) - parachute (only human) - 40% discount in the shop - +30 extra speed for human - zm class Revenant Ice - VIP skin (Zombie and Human) - VIP status in the scoreboard - free AK-47 Paladin each round - 1x Explosive Grenade (1.7k DMG) - message when connecting to the server - bonus when you kill a zombie: 40 XP & 40 Us.DolLarS - bonus when you infect a human: 40 XP & 40 Us.DolLarS - bonus when you win the round as a human: 130 XP - a bonus of 15000 XP & 15000 Us.DolLarS upon purchase - access to 'ze_changetag' command, this command changes your tag
  11. crezi ca ma mai poti ajuta ? 

  12. there is 15k so i think there is more than enough
  13. O sa fac o selectie si o sa adaug la urmatorul update, totusi vreau sa vad si o selectie de harti care trebuiesc scoase.
  14. what do you mean dollar detail ?
  15. nu ma descurc man :(

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