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Despre Sameyal49

  • Dată Naștere 08.08.1996

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Realizările lui Sameyal49


BRONZE II (5/25)

  • 1 an de LeagueCS
  • 2 ani de LeagueCS

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Reputație Comunitate

  1. Ban Information Name: sam_eyal IP: Reason: 0 Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: fcrb | bucho Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145255313 i alredy report but look what he said i play in this sever more then 1 or 2 never saw this admin before and i dont care new admin or old i always give proof for admins wg test or gg he said i use wall and got none proof for that i thinke he rly bad player not good enough and thats the reason he gave me ban! Because he couldn't beat me for a lot of rounds! I've been playing it for 19 years and it's important for me to report because I love this server and this admin fcrb was just give me ban cuz he cant hanle it ( Great respect to most of the admins there, they do what they need as needed and do not play according to ego)(<3 It's a bit sad that they weren't online anymore most of them only him fcrb
  2. *********************************************** Ban Information Name: sam_eyal IP: Reason: 0 Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: fcrb | bucho Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145255313 If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: ************************************************ BUILD 3082 SERVER (0 CRC) Server # 317 Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
  3. I got a ban for no reason they did not even let me upload pictures it was fast it seems he wants to give me a ban on purpose.

    It's been a while since but only now did I realize I could report it.

    (ign :sam_eyal)

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