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Affiliate Servers

Here you will find all the information you need to join or open a server in LeagueCS Romanian community.


  1. DNS request
    403 posts

    Do you want to affiliate your server with CS 1.6 and CS:GO on our community? You can apply here, but we recommend reading the rules first! The hosts we recommend are neoserver.ro (discounts of at least 30%

  2. Forum Management
    310 posts

    Request a change to the server forum or add a server manager member to your section in this section!

  3. Admins Offers
    18 posts

    Do you need staff on your server? Leave a comment on the topic with your offer for our forum members and someone will become an admin on your server!

  4. Server Market
    44 posts

    Announce the sale or opening of a server!

  5. Technical Support
    66 posts

    In the given section anyone can post (for the private problem) to receive an answer to a question related to server, scripting, bugs, etc.

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