Parac3tamol Postat Februarie 24 Postat Februarie 24 Nick: Paracetamol How old are you: 18 Steam profile link (if needed): N-am steam account. You have read the rules: covert2k25 Can you join the Discord Server [YES/NO]: Da Link with hours played on the server (GameTracker): Can you donate? (Yes/ No): Da. Your experience in beeing an admin(how much %): 50%, dar pot invata pe parcurs. Garantez ca voi incerca sa dau tot ce pot.
AREss Postat Februarie 24 Postat Februarie 24 1 hour ago, Parac3tamol said: Prea puține ore, puțin mai activ și vei primi o aprobare de la mine.
XaNNAX. Postat Februarie 24 Postat Februarie 24 Pro si mai activ On 23/02/2025 at 16:14, -bk- @ Dumy said:
ONSNUSparadox Postat Februarie 24 Postat Februarie 24 PRO Treats all players equally, whether they’re friends or strangers. Doesn’t abuse admin privileges for personal gain or to troll. Listens to both sides before making a decision. Regularly plays on the server to keep things in check. Interacts with players to maintain a friendly and fun atmosphere. Responds to complaints and issues in a timely manner. Keeps the server secure from hackers or exploiters. Backs up configs and important files regularly. Updates plugins and mods to prevent crashes or vulnerabilities. Encourages new players and helps them learn the game. Organizes server events (tournaments, fun nights, etc.). Creates a welcoming atmosphere so players return regularly.
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