eS*Fyt3R Postat Februarie 15 Postat Februarie 15 [ RO ] Daca consideri ca ai fost banat aiurea te rog sa folosesti modelul de mai jos. Daca ai fost banat pentru neprezentare wargods test te rog la alte precizari sa pui link-ul de la testul wargods. Nickname: Admin-ul care te-a banat: Motivul banarii: Data banarii: ScreenShot la consola: Alte precizari: [ EN ] If you think you have been banned, please use the model below. If you were banned for not showing up for the wargods test, please put the link from the wargods test in the other details. Nickname: The admin who banned you: Reason for ban: Date of the ban: ScreenShot of the console: Other details:
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