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[CS2 News] The Counter Strike 2 knife that is worth almost as much as a house

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Counter Strike este un joc de împușcături competitiv, cunoscut de numărul mare de fani, care urmăresc cu fervoare schimbările și actualizările pe care le face Valve, precum și scena competitivă. Cu toate acestea, este valabil și pentru anumite skinuri de arme, care pot avea prețuri incredibile.

Odată cu sosirea lui Counter Strike 2, acesta rămâne cazul. Situația nu s-a schimbat, chiar dacă jocul este diferit. Acest utilizator a obținut un cuțit care are o valoare foarte mare, ajungând în jur de șase cifre de dolari.

Un cuțit celebru, un skin incredibil și un model unic
Acesta este tot ceea ce a fost adunat în acest caz pentru ca acest utilizator să poată obține această armă. Blue Gem este un tip de piele în care cuțitele au o culoare albăstruie și sunt foarte exclusive. În plus, tipul de cuțit, care este un Nomad Knife, este foarte îndrăgit de comunitate, deși poate fi găsit doar în două tipuri de cutii.


Counter Strike is a competitive shooting game, known by its large number of fans, who fervently follow the changes and updates that Valve makes, as well as the competitive scene. However, it is also true for certain weapon skins, which can have incredible prices.

With the arrival of Counter Strike 2, this remains the case. The situation has not changed, even though the game is different. This user has obtained a knife that has a very high value, reaching around six figures of dollars.

A famous knife, an incredible skin and a unique pattern
That is all that has been put together in this case for this user to be able to obtain this weapon. The Blue Gem is a type of skin in which the knives have a bluish color, and are very exclusive. Additionally, the type of knife, which is a Nomad Knife, is very loved by the community, even though it can only be found in two types of boxes.



Editat de Dexter. @ GOV.RO
adăugată versiunea [RO] + tag "gaming"
Acum 2 ore, -HuNTeR- a spus:

Counter Strike is a competitive shooting game, known by its large number of fans, who fervently follow the changes and updates that Valve makes, as well as the competitive scene. However, it is also true for certain weapon skins, which can have incredible prices.

With the arrival of Counter Strike 2, this remains the case. The situation has not changed, even though the game is different. This user has obtained a knife that has a very high value, reaching around six figures of dollars.



A famous knife, an incredible skin and a unique pattern
That is all that has been put together in this case for this user to be able to obtain this weapon. The Blue Gem is a type of skin in which the knives have a bluish color, and are very exclusive. Additionally, the type of knife, which is a Nomad Knife, is very loved by the community, even though it can only be found in two types of boxes.

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