swm. Postat August 23 Postat August 23 (editat) - Nume plugin: ZP Rank System - Autor: Tornado_SW / (cred. este preluat de pe un alt forum) - Versiune: - - Informatii: Este un plugin avansat de TOP15 pentru Zombie Plague compatibil cu toate versiunile ZP. Conectare MySQL (Aveti nevoie si de webhost). Arata topul in timp real (are si profil pentru server) - Informatii 2: Nu am avut probleme cu acest plugin, totul merge perfect si nu creaza lag sau crashuri. (Recomand sa folositi AMXX 1.9 build 5294 pentru a scapa de eroarea Plugin uses an unknown function pe 1.10) Cateva comenzi: /top15, /top100, /rankstats Comenzi admin: Aveti nevoie de flagul ADMIN_RCON pentru a executa aceste comenzi! rsu_give_xp <name|#userid> <value> - Setezi XP unui player rsu_reset_xp <name> - Resetezi XP unui player rsu_reset_stats <name> - Resetezi statisticile unui player rsu_reset_tables - Reseteaza tabele MySQL Imagini: -Erori: Daca intampinati erori la compilare, mai exact: Intrati in include/reapi_stocks.inc si stergeti sau comentati cu // functia "rg_remove_entity" - Instalare: Are .txt in arhiva, urmati acei pasi. - Download: MediaFire Editat August 23 de swMm 1 Citează
ALi. Postat August 25 Postat August 25 Hello, The plugin is private and got leaked, This is an outdated version from the zp rank system and contains a lot of bugs, the author offers no longer supports who sharing it consider this your at your own installing it. 2 Citează
swm. Postat August 25 Autor Postat August 25 Acum 8 ore, ALi. a spus: Hello, The plugin is private and got leaked, This is an outdated version from the zp rank system and contains a lot of bugs, the author offers no longer supports who sharing it consider this your at your own installing it. hi, i didn't know this is a private plugin i just took it off a random website. also i had this plugin in my server for 3 or 4 weeks and i had never encountered bugs or errors. anyways, if the forum admins want to remove this post they can. since it's already free on the internet i don't think there should be a problem with me posting it. 1 Citează
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