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Postări Recomandate

On 23/08/2024 at 15:50, Enemy-Destroy said:

1.Your name on server: Enemy-Destroy
2.Your real name:Alex
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3-4
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Pentru că nu sunt admini activi, cred că aș putea să fiu destul de activ și să ajut serverul prin eliminarea hackerilor și educarea jucătorilor, învățându-i să nu mai folosească un limbaj vulgar.

5.Your age: 17
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma numesc Alex, am 17 ani, sunt din Bucuresti,  sunt jucator de tenis de masa (ping-pong), sunt educat, rabdator, temperat si foarte vorbaret :D

:acceptat:, astept steamid pe discord si un numar de telefon

On 08/08/2024 at 08:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server:SolidSnake
2.Your real name:Emrah
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:3-4
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:
Lasă-mă să ajut serverul cât pot de mult
5.Your age:25
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:

Sunt foarte calm, rabdator, imi place sa ascult ceilalti oameni si sa ii ajut cand pot.



On 08/08/2024 at 09:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server: Unknown
2.Your real name: Amr or عمرو 
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 2 hours at least and i can do around 4-5 hours max
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: bc i've always wanted to help ppl around etc .. but the age was the only problem i faced
5.Your age: 15 and couple of months
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: a man who tries to be nice to every1 and gives what is needed from him if he does what he loves .. and happily being an admin is something i love 




1.Your name on server: Alin.exe
2.Your real name: Alin
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:  3-4 ore
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Pentru ca sunt putini admini activi intre orele 10- 14 si pentru ca ar fi o experienta noua pentru mine.
5.Your age: 15
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma numesc Alin, am 15 ani si sunt un copil normal din Arges. Ma ocup in mare parte de scoala si sport, fac lupte greco-romane si mma si ador asta.Sunt o persona calma care stie sa gestioneze orice situatie, respect daca sunt respectat la randul meu , sunt rabdator si nu prea imi place sa vorbesc cu oricine.

2 minutes ago, Alin.exe said:

1.Your name on server: Alin.exe
2.Your real name: Alin
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:  3-4 ore
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Pentru ca sunt putini admini activi intre orele 10- 14 si pentru ca ar fi o experienta noua pentru mine.
5.Your age: 15
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma numesc Alin, am 15 ani si sunt un copil normal din Arges. Ma ocup in mare parte de scoala si sport, fac lupte greco-romane si mma si ador asta.Sunt o persona calma care stie sa gestioneze orice situatie, respect daca sunt respectat la randul meu , sunt rabdator si nu prea imi place sa vorbesc cu oricine.


On 08/08/2024 at 08:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server: Kasapii
2.Your real name:Flon
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:5-8
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:Since i play late at night there arent many admins online and i could help with that and i am pretty active on server
5.Your age:17
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:I am a calm guy try to help others and can speak 3 languages 



  • 2 săptămâni mai târziu...

1.Your name on server: dnz.
2.Your real name: Dinu
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 4-5
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Pentru că nu prea sunt admini activi, nici inactivi nu sunt prea multi, parerea mea, ca daca as fi activ si imi fac treaba, de ce nu?!

5.Your age: 19
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:  Sunt Dinu din Oradea, am 19 ani, imi place caterinca si femeile :)))), glumesc, m am reapucat de cs de ceva vreme si as vrea sa fac iar parte dintr un staff, ma inteleg bine cu staff-ul acestui server si mereu le dau idei de mape, eu zic ca as putea face parte din voi !

26 minutes ago, dinutzuu said:

1.Your name on server: dnz.
2.Your real name: Dinu
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 4-5
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Pentru că nu prea sunt admini activi, nici inactivi nu sunt prea multi, parerea mea, ca daca as fi activ si imi fac treaba, de ce nu?!

5.Your age: 19
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:  Sunt Dinu din Oradea, am 19 ani, imi place caterinca si femeile :)))), glumesc, m am reapucat de cs de ceva vreme si as vrea sa fac iar parte dintr un staff, ma inteleg bine cu staff-ul acestui server si mereu le dau idei de mape, eu zic ca as putea face parte din voi !


On 08/08/2024 at 08:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server:F0r3st
2.Your real name:adrian
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:3-4
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:
Vreau să ajut serverul cât pot de mult și să le fac mai ușor pentru moderatori
5.Your age:19
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:
Sunt foarte dedicat ceea ce fac și încerc să fiu cel mai bun în asta.




1.Your name on server: Brazzers.
2.Your real name: David
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3-4-5 depinde de timpul liber.
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Petrec destul de mult timp pe server la voi si imi doresc sa mention ordinea.
5.Your age: 26
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: 

On 19/09/2024 at 00:38, Brazzers. # said:

1.Your name on server: Brazzers.
2.Your real name: David
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3-4-5 depinde de timpul liber.
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Petrec destul de mult timp pe server la voi si imi doresc sa mention ordinea.
5.Your age: 26
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: 



1.Your name on server:witchbladesdevilinchains///
2.Your real name:Alex
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:4 + -
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:Pentru a avea posibilitatea de a admina cat timp ma joc pe server.
5.Your age:21
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: witchbladesgramu pe steam pt mai multe detalii.

On 21/09/2024 at 02:16, witchblades1337 said:

1.Your name on server:witchbladesdevilinchains///
2.Your real name:Alex
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:4 + -
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:Pentru a avea posibilitatea de a admina cat timp ma joc pe server.
5.Your age:21
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: witchbladesgramu pe steam pt mai multe detalii.


Da-mi mesaj pe discord, cosmin2628 si sa intrii pe serverul de discord

Postat (editat)

1.Your name on server: | GzH | snus
2.Your real name: Pavel
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:  5-9 
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: I would like to help them as new players, but also as new players to develop and punish players who cannot play without cheats..
5.Your age: 18 
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:Hello, Paweł here. I  am a communicative person. I think I could behave in any situation. I know that in order to survive you have to not give up, that's why I never give up and keep going towards my goal, I always strive for my goal even in difficult situations! I have many friends, including some reliable ones.


Editat de | GzH | snus

1.Your name on server: ! rusuu
2.Your real name: Andrei
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 2-3 (in functie de zile)
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Vreau sa ajut serverul cu ce pot eu, in plus, am si experienta in asta
5.Your age: 14
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma consider o persoana destul de matura, chiar daca am varsta de 14 ani. Pana la urma, toti meritam o sansa. 

9 hours ago, rAndreyK said:

1.Your name on server: ! rusuu
2.Your real name: Andrei
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 2-3 (in functie de zile)
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Vreau sa ajut serverul cu ce pot eu, in plus, am si experienta in asta
5.Your age: 14
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma consider o persoana destul de matura, chiar daca am varsta de 14 ani. Pana la urma, toti meritam o sansa. 

:acceptat: astept numărul tău de telefon în privat pentru a te băga în grup pe whatsapp 

  • 4 luni mai târziu...
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Postat (editat)

cautam admini activi doar cu o simpla cerere aici! 

we are looking for active admins with just a simple request here!


1.Your name on server:
2.Your real name:
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:
5.Your age:
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:

Editat de XeNnON
La 08.08.2024 la 8:45, cosmin22 a spus:

1.Your name on server:Kaciatko
2.Your real name:Marcus
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 2-4
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: I want help the server
5.Your age: 19
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Hi, my name is Marcus Iam from Slovakia and I love csgo 1.6.I do in real life sports: Football,Hockey




1.Your name on server: Pronto
2.Your real name:Cristi
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 2-3
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Sa fiu de ajutor cu ceva . ca ma supara cand vad ca playerii cer ajutor si multi admini sunt afk
5.Your age:17
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Persoana responsabila ( din spusele altora) care isi dedica timp in jocu asta deja de mai bine de 8 ani.

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