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Postări Recomandate


1.Your name on server:
2.Your real name:
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:
5.Your age:
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:



1.Your name on server:Z3usAdv
2.Your real name:Marius
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:1-2
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:Sa ajut servaru cu ce pot eu 
5.Your age:21
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:Ma numesc marius,am varsta de 21 de ani , sunt din judetul alba , imi place sa ma joc jocuri cum ar fi cs1.6,samp etc 

11 hours ago, FantomaXP said:

1.Your name on server:Z3usAdv
2.Your real name:Marius
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:1-2
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:Sa ajut servaru cu ce pot eu 
5.Your age:21
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:Ma numesc marius,am varsta de 21 de ani , sunt din judetul alba , imi place sa ma joc jocuri cum ar fi cs1.6,samp etc 

:acceptat: Astept PM cu nick și pass 


1.Your name on server: Raresh
2.Your real name: Ma numesc Zaharia Rares Mihai.
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: In jur de vreo 2-3 ore pe zi si seara ce intru sa ma joc tot asa inca vreo 2-3 ore.
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Sa pot ajuta serverul cu activitate, banarea codatilor s.a.m.d
5.Your age: Am 17 ani.
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma numesc Zaharia Rares Mihai, am 17 ani si sunt din Bacau. Imi place fotbalul si in general gaming-ul, in timpul liber imi place sa ma joc CS 1.6 sau SA:MP, mai mult cs 1.6 deoarece ma atrage mai mult.

7 minutes ago, Rareshh said:

1.Your name on server: Raresh
2.Your real name: Ma numesc Zaharia Rares Mihai.
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: In jur de vreo 2-3 ore pe zi si seara ce intru sa ma joc tot asa inca vreo 2-3 ore.
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Sa pot ajuta serverul cu activitate, banarea codatilor s.a.m.d
5.Your age: Am 17 ani.
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma numesc Zaharia Rares Mihai, am 17 ani si sunt din Bacau. Imi place fotbalul si in general gaming-ul, in timpul liber imi place sa ma joc CS 1.6 sau SA:MP, mai mult cs 1.6 deoarece ma atrage mai mult.

:acceptat:, pm cu nick si pass


Your name on server: skyisthelimit ;x

2.Your real name: Mihai

3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 2 sau 3

4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Imi place serverul si vreau sa fie fara codati pt o atmosfera mai buna

5.Your age: 17

6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: deobicei sunt calculat, rabdator , sa zicem calm si mereu incerc sa aleg cele mai bune solutii posibile.





19 minutes ago, KOKE said:

Your name on server: skyisthelimit ;x

2.Your real name: Mihai

3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 2 sau 3

4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Imi place serverul si vreau sa fie fara codati pt o atmosfera mai buna

5.Your age: 17

6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: deobicei sunt calculat, rabdator , sa zicem calm si mereu incerc sa aleg cele mai bune solutii posibile.





:acceptat:, astept pm cu nick si pass si un numar de telefon.

On 08/08/2024 at 08:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server:DP-NIKOLA99
2.Your real name:Nikola
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:2-3
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:to help the server as much as i can and to create a wish for other players.
5.Your age:21
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:My name is Nikola Jandrić and i from Serbia . I am 21 years old . I am from Belgrade . I like sport and games , in my separe time i play cs 1.6 and soccer



Postat (editat)
Just now, DP-NIKOLA99 said:



Editat de cosmin22
On 08/08/2024 at 08:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server:DP-NIKOLA99
2.Your real name:Nikola
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:3
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:
pentru a facilita administratorii și pentru a menține serverul într-un echilibru mai bun
5.Your age:21
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:
Numele meu este Nikola Jandrić și vin din Serbia.Știu să vorbesc 3 limbi și anume: sârbă, engleză și română.în timpul meu liber îmi place să petrec timpul cu cs.




Your name on server: Erkut

2.Your real name: Ionut

3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3-4

4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:  Petrec mult timp pe sv in care sun multi codati si putini admini activi. 

5.Your age: 24

6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Incerc sa ajut lumea ! 

14 minutes ago, Erkut said:

Your name on server: Erkut

2.Your real name: Ionut

3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3-4

4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:  Petrec mult timp pe sv in care sun multi codati si putini admini activi. 

5.Your age: 24

6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Incerc sa ajut lumea ! 



1. Server name : manele
2. Nume real : Alex
3. in jur de 6  7 ore
4. mi a zis mami ca mi dai si mie,glumesc,   sa pot da mute persoanelor care injura si in caz de ceva daca e mai grav drept ban,chem intariri(gogo,tony,etc.)
5. fac 17 👍
6. nu am prea multe de spus despre mine din moment ce nu s prea interesant asa ca descriere generala : bufnita 

7 hours ago, manele said:

1. Server name : manele
2. Nume real : Alex
3. in jur de 6  7 ore
4. mi a zis mami ca mi dai si mie,glumesc,   sa pot da mute persoanelor care injura si in caz de ceva daca e mai grav drept ban,chem intariri(gogo,tony,etc.)
5. fac 17 👍
6. nu am prea multe de spus despre mine din moment ce nu s prea interesant asa ca descriere generala : bufnita 

:acceptat:, pm cu steamid.ul tau si un nr de telefon

On 08/08/2024 at 08:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server:SolidSnake
2.Your real name:Emrah
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:3-4
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:
Lasă-mă să ajut serverul cât pot de mult
5.Your age:25
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:
Sunt foarte calm, rabdator, imi place sa ascult ceilalti oameni si sa ii ajut cand pot.



Postat (editat)
La 13.08.2024 la 6:50, cosmin22 a spus:

JucatoR:acceptat:, pm cu steamid.ul tau si un nr de telefon


Editat de miki

1.Your name on server: ranga
2.Your real name: Florin
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: Variaza in functie de zi, in unele zile nu pot, dar in altele 3+
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Vreau sa ajut comunitatea si serverul respectiv in dezvoltarea acestuia prin activitatea mea pe server.
5.Your age: 17
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:  Sunt prietenos, imi place sa ajut lumea si incerc sa fiu bun in tot ce fac.

On 08/08/2024 at 08:45, cosmin22 said:

1.Your name on server:JucatoR
2.Your real name:Alex
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?:3-8
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?:Vreau sa fiu admin pentru ca vreau fiu ca gogo si cosmin
5.Your age:19
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:lubesc acest server si iubesc gogo si cosmina




1.Your name on server: bomzasss
2.Your real name: Ali
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3 to 4h
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: helping this server invite new friend 
5.Your age: 18
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: I Love To Playing Sport And Game I i to give  respect  everyone i love to helping everyone 

7 hours ago, Nima Lover said:

1.Your name on server: bomzasss
2.Your real name: Ali
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3 to 4h
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: helping this server invite new friend 
5.Your age: 18
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: I Love To Playing Sport And Game I i to give  respect  everyone i love to helping everyone 

I'm waiting for PM with NICK and Password for the admin and to do your activity when you grow in the admin you have to make a banlist with evidence 

On 14/08/2024 at 21:55, ranga said:

1.Your name on server: ranga
2.Your real name: Florin
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: Variaza in functie de zi, in unele zile nu pot, dar in altele 3+
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Vreau sa ajut comunitatea si serverul respectiv in dezvoltarea acestuia prin activitatea mea pe server.
5.Your age: 17
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words:  Sunt prietenos, imi place sa ajut lumea si incerc sa fiu bun in tot ce fac.

:acceptat:, astept steamid si cu un nr de telefon in pv


1. :3 livrushi
2. Denis
3. 5-6h

4.  I want to change the maps after the drawing, and provide people with the opportunity in different places

5. 16


An ordinary guy from Russia who knows how to play AWP, I love cats, I also don’t hurt animals and I love  people

On 17/08/2024 at 00:19, :3 livrushi said:

1. :3 livrushi
2. Denis
3. 5-6h

4.  I want to change the maps after the drawing, and provide people with the opportunity in different places

5. 16


An ordinary guy from Russia who knows how to play AWP, I love cats, I also don’t hurt animals and I love  people

please respect the model that Cosmin made in the campaign and complete it accordingly 



1.Your name on server: Enemy-Destroy
2.Your real name:Alex
3.How many hours can you stay on server per day?: 3-4
4.Why do you want to be a part of our team?: Pentru că nu sunt admini activi, cred că aș putea să fiu destul de activ și să ajut serverul prin eliminarea hackerilor și educarea jucătorilor, învățându-i să nu mai folosească un limbaj vulgar.

5.Your age: 17
6.Describe yourself in at least 20-25 words: Ma numesc Alex, am 17 ani, sunt din Bucuresti,  sunt jucator de tenis de masa (ping-pong), sunt educat, rabdator, temperat si foarte vorbaret :D

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