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Cerere Unban Gear Shifter

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Postat (editat)

Your Nick: Gear Shifter

Admin who banned you: (information can be found here)

Your Steam ID: 

The reason you got banned: "wh" (ofc not, Screenshots are clean as always:

Date and time of payment: 10/07/2024 11:57

Snapshot of what it looks like in the console:
Ban Information 
Name: Gear Shifter 
Reason: wh 
Unban Time: Permanent Ban 
Admin Name: Th3_GI_@I)1@70R 
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:30363886 


Also, I would like to tell you that Th3_GI_@I)1@70R banned 2 more players before me, which were clearly good players and not cheating (I think one of them was also Steam . . .)

He banned them WITHOUT taking screenshots.

That's why this morning the server only have 8 players.. Th3_GI_@I)1@70R  ban EVERYONE who kills him.

Also, Th3_GI_@I)1@70R saw that real70r and keno didn't ban me, so he waited for them to be offline/AFK so he can ban me?!


What? He is doing what ever he wants? The Detinators don't ban me, and he ban me with no proof?!

Editat de gitter

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