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completly unfair banned palyer name upset_killer banned by admin 4rld

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Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
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Ban Information 
Reason: wallhack 
Unban Time: Ban Permanent 
Admin Name: 4rLd 
Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:219796359 .

upset_killer - Report 2908900 | WarGods Cheat Defender here it is my wargod scan i never ever use any hack i always play fare game and also MOHAMMED SUMBUL this is not my nick name in game i always play with same name of upset_killer also this is not my ip address so plz thats not fair let me play thats is completly ufair banned i swear of God i never ever use or neighter i will use any hacks i just love to play fair game


This is rather an unban request. I've got some weird kills on demo with you shooting prefire and that wargods test doesn't mean anything as it shows you've done it 9 minutes after you opened the game so you didn't do it after you got banned.

However, I'll unban you for now because you're active. I'll watch you closely though.

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