LCS PREMIUM Livia Postat Ianuarie 18, 2021 LCS PREMIUM Postat Ianuarie 18, 2021 (editat) Model Postare Nume: Autorul: Descriere: Poze/Screenuri/Video: Alte specificatii: Regulament General 1. Nu folositi cuvinte obscene in alcatuirea tutorialului! 2. Tutoriale sa arate impecabil, colorat, ingrosat + corectati greselile ce pot aparea! Incercati sa scoateti esentialul din ele, nu dati copy+paste! 3. Tutorialele trebuie sa aiba link cu download(daca este nevoie)! 4. Nu aveti voie sa postati un tutorial de doua ori, verificati inainte de a face unul! 5. Nu aveti voie sa postati pentru +1, gen "frumos"sau "gj, bine facut" 6. Tutorialele vor avea numele [Tutorial]-si numele tutorialului, pentru a fi mai aranjat si mai frumos. 7. Topicurile fara activitate vor fi inchise de catre moderatorul sectiunii la 72 de ore (3 zile) dupa crearea topicului ! 8. Aveti voie sa postati maxim 5 tutoriale pe zi! Nerespectarea regulamentului duce la WARN, asa ca daca alegeti sa il incalcati o faceti pe propria raspundere. Post Model Name: Author: Description: Pictures/Screenshots/Videos: Other specifications: General Rules 1. Do not use obscene words in the tutorial! 2. Tutorials to look flawless, colored, thickened + correct the mistakes that may appear! Try to get the essence out of them, don't copy+paste! 3. The tutorials must have a download link (if necessary)! 4. You are not allowed to post a tutorial twice, check before making one! 5. You are not allowed to post for +1, like "beautiful" or "gj, well done" 6. The tutorials will have the name [Tutorial] and the name of the tutorial, to be more organized and beautiful. 7. Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! 8. You are allowed to post a maximum of 5 tutorials per day! Failure to comply with the rules leads to WARN, so if you choose to violate it, you do so at your own risk. Editat Septembrie 24, 2024 de Alexandru06 @ LCS Update: 24.09.2024
Administrator Alex06 @ LCS Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 Administrator Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 La 19.01.2021 la 0:02, Livia a spus: Post Model Name: Author: Description: Pictures/Screenshots/Videos: Other specifications: General Rules 1. Do not use obscene words in the tutorial! 2. Tutorials to look flawless, colored, thickened + correct the mistakes that may appear! Try to get the essence out of them, don't copy+paste! 3. The tutorials must have a download link (if necessary)! 4. You are not allowed to post a tutorial twice, check before making one! 5. You are not allowed to post for +1, like "beautiful" or "gj, well done" 6. The tutorials will have the name [Tutorial] and the name of the tutorial, to be more organized and beautiful. 7. Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! 8. You are allowed to post a maximum of 5 tutorials per day! Failure to comply with the rules leads to WARN, so if you choose to violate it, you do so at your own risk. Versiunea în Engleză a fost adăugată. English version has been added. 2 1
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