LCS PREMIUM Livia Postat Ianuarie 18, 2021 LCS PREMIUM Postat Ianuarie 18, 2021 (editat) Model de postare Titlu : Descriere: Autor : Descarcare : Pluginuri : Tip : Parola Arhivei( optional ) : Regulament General Mesajele off-topic sau spamming-ul nu sunt permise in caz contrar veti fi sanctionati. Numele topicului trebuie sa contina "Numele Addonsului si modul acestuia" . Exemplu : Addons Clasic . Modelul este obligatoriu in caz contrar veti primi warn. Link-ul de download trebuie sa fie valid în caz contrar veti primi warn. Evitaţi postarea de addons-uri care au mai fost postate. Folosiţi funcţia search în caz contrar veti primi warn. Mesajele de gen "Multumesc" "Foarte fain o să îl încerc" sunt interzise. Lăsati reply numai dacă aveţi nelămuriri. Pentru a multumi unui user care a creat un post , aveti butonul like . În caz contrar warn. Când postati un addons nu uitaţi să postaţi şi link-ul de download. În caz contrar veţi primi warn. Aveți voie să postați maxim 5 topicuri într-o zi. În caz contrat, veți primi warn. Topicurile fara activitate vor fi inchise de catre moderatorul sectiunii la 72 de ore (3 zile) dupa crearea topicului ! Post Model Title: Description: Author : Download: Plugins: Type : Archive password (optional): General Rules Off-topic messages or spamming are not allowed, otherwise you will be sanctioned. The name of the topic must contain "Name of the Addons and its mode". Example: Classic Addons. The model is mandatory, otherwise you will receive a warning. The download link must be valid, otherwise you will receive a warning. Avoid posting addons that have already been posted. Use the search function, otherwise you will receive a warning. Messages like "Thank you" "Very cool I'll try it" are prohibited. Leave a reply only if you have any questions. To thank a user who created a post, you have the like button. Otherwise warn. When you post an addons, don't forget to post the download link. Otherwise you will receive a warning. You are allowed to post a maximum of 5 topics in a day. In case of contract, you will receive a warning. Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! Editat Septembrie 24, 2024 de Alexandru06 @ LCS Update: 24.09.2024
Administrator Alex06 @ LCS Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 Administrator Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 La 18.01.2021 la 23:57, Livia a spus: Post Model Title: Description: Author : Download: Plugins: Type : Archive password (optional): General Rules Off-topic messages or spamming are not allowed, otherwise you will be sanctioned. The name of the topic must contain "Name of the Addons and its mode". Example: Classic Addons. The model is mandatory, otherwise you will receive a warning. The download link must be valid, otherwise you will receive a warning. Avoid posting addons that have already been posted. Use the search function, otherwise you will receive a warning. Messages like "Thank you" "Very cool I'll try it" are prohibited. Leave a reply only if you have any questions. To thank a user who created a post, you have the like button. Otherwise warn. When you post an addons, don't forget to post the download link. Otherwise you will receive a warning. You are allowed to post a maximum of 5 topics in a day. In case of contract, you will receive a warning. Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! Versiunea în Engleză a fost adăugată. English version has been added. 1 1
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