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[Rules & Regulament & Model] Config-uri

Postări Recomandate


Imagini pentru cs 1.6


043VB2N.png Model de postare: 
Config autor: 
Link de download: 


043VB2N.png Regulament General: 

  • Se respectă regulamentul general al forumului.
  • Înainte de a posta un config, folosiți funcția 'Search' pentru a verifica dacă nu a mai fost postat de altcineva.
  • Thread-urile ce nu vor fi create conform modelului vor fi trimise la arhivă.
  • Titlul trebuie să fie de genul "[Config] Nume Cfg".
  • Subiectele din această secțiune au caracter informativ, drept urmare nu postați decât dacă aveți o problemă / nelămurire legată de acesta.
  • Post hunt-ul este strict interzis! Comentariile de genul: 'mișto', 'îmi place asta', 'super' etc. vor aduce după sine un warn!  ( Îi puteți mulțumi autorului acestui topic printr-o reactie la post )
  • Insultele, atacul la persoană sau limbajul vulgar către un alt membru al comunității este STRICT INTERZIS! Persoana în cauză se va alege cu un warn sau va avea contul suspendat în funcție de gravitatea situației.
  • Aveți voie să deschideți maxim 5 subiecte pe zi în această secțiune.
  • Topicurile fara activitate vor fi inchise de catre moderatorul sectiunii la 72 de ore (3 zile) dupa crearea topicului !



xfyngQL.png Post Model:

Author config:
Download link:


xfyngQL.png General Regulation:


  • The general rules of the forum are respected.
  • Before posting a config, use the 'Search' function to check if it has already been posted by someone else.
  • Threads that will not be created according to the model will be sent to the archive.
  • The title should be something like "[Config] Cfg Name".
  • The topics in this section are for informational purposes only, so don't post unless you have a problem/concern about it.
  • Post hunting is strictly prohibited! Comments like: 'cool', 'I like this', 'great' etc. will bring a warning! (You can thank the author of this topic by commenting on the post)
  • Insults, personal attack or vulgar language towards another member of the community is STRICTLY PROHIBITED! The person concerned will get a warning or have their account suspended depending on the severity of the situation.
  • You are allowed to open a maximum of 5 topics per day in this section.
  • Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic !
  • 3 ani mai târziu...
La 18.01.2021 la 23:52, Livia a spus:

xfyngQL.png Post Model:

Author config:
Download link:


xfyngQL.png General Regulation:


  • The general rules of the forum are respected.
  • Before posting a config, use the 'Search' function to check if it has already been posted by someone else.
  • Threads that will not be created according to the model will be sent to the archive.
  • The title should be something like "[Config] Cfg Name".
  • The topics in this section are for informational purposes only, so don't post unless you have a problem/concern about it.
  • Post hunting is strictly prohibited! Comments like: 'cool', 'I like this', 'great' etc. will bring a warning! (You can thank the author of this topic by commenting on the post)
  • Insults, personal attack or vulgar language towards another member of the community is STRICTLY PROHIBITED! The person concerned will get a warning or have their account suspended depending on the severity of the situation.
  • You are allowed to open a maximum of 5 topics per day in this section.
  • Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic !

043VB2N.png Versiunea în Engleză a fost adăugată.


xfyngQL.png English version has been added.

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