LCS PREMIUM L-VIRUS™ Postat Noiembrie 20, 2020 LCS PREMIUM Postat Noiembrie 20, 2020 (editat) Model: Descriere: Download: Autor (nume): Nume (numele pluginului respectiv): Comenzi publice (comenzile ce se execută pe server): amx_(comanda) / Cvars: Instalare: Fisierul nume_plugin.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting Fisierul nume_plugin.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma linia: Citat nume_plugin.amxx Regulament General: Topicurile fara activitate vor fi inchise de catre moderatorul sectiunii la 72 de ore (3 zile) dupa crearea topicului ! Respectaţi modelul de postare! Sanctiune: la a doua abatere primiti warn. Pluginul (.amxx) trebuie să fie însotit de (.sma), altfel o să vi se închidă topicul şi o să primiţi Warn! Asiguraţi-vă că aveţi cât mai multe detalii (instrucţiuni) în postul respectiv. Cei ce vor face reclamă prin postarea unor poze / fişiere / link-uri către site-uri care fac reclamă altei comunităţi vor fi sancţionaţi! Numărul maxim de topicuri postare pe zi este de 5. Topicul trebuie să aibă obligatoriu numele "[Plugin] - x". Exemplu: "[Plugin] - Exterminate". Model: Description: Download: Author (name): Name (the name of the respective plugin): Public commands (commands that are executed on the server): amx_(command) / Cvars: Installation: Put the plugin_name.sma file in addons/amxmodx/scripting Place the plugin_name.amxx file in addons/amxmodx/plugins Enter the addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini file and add the following line: Citat name_plugin.amxx General Rules: Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! Respect the post pattern!Penalty: for the second violation you will receive a warning. The plugin (.amxx) must be accompanied by (.sma), otherwise your topic will be closed and you will receive a Warn! Make sure you have as many details (instructions) as possible in that post. Those who will advertise by posting pictures / files / links to sites that advertise another community will be sanctioned! The maximum number of post topics per day is 5. The topic must have the name "[Plugin] - x". Example: "[Plugin] - Exterminate". Editat Septembrie 24, 2024 de Alexandru06 @ LCS Update: 24.09.2024 2 1
LCS PREMIUM Alex06 @ LCS Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 LCS PREMIUM Postat Septembrie 24, 2024 La 20.11.2020 la 20:30, L-VIRUS™ a spus: Model: Description: Download: Author (name): Name (the name of the respective plugin): Public commands (commands that are executed on the server): amx_(command) / Cvars: Installation: Put the plugin_name.sma file in addons/amxmodx/scripting Place the plugin_name.amxx file in addons/amxmodx/plugins Enter the addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini file and add the following line: General Rules: Topics without activity will be closed by the moderator of the section 72 hours (3 days) after the creation of the topic! Respect the post pattern!Penalty: for the second violation you will receive a warning. The plugin (.amxx) must be accompanied by (.sma), otherwise your topic will be closed and you will receive a Warn! Make sure you have as many details (instructions) as possible in that post. Those who will advertise by posting pictures / files / links to sites that advertise another community will be sanctioned! The maximum number of post topics per day is 5. The topic must have the name "[Plugin] - x". Example: "[Plugin] - Exterminate". Versiunea în Engleză a fost adăugată. English version has been added. 2 1
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